Chapter 15

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Liam and the boys dropped me back off at my aunt's house. They asked if they could come in but I turned them down because I had to start planning on how I was going to win Niall back. Clearly, this wasn't going to be easy.

Unfortunately, he will most likely never believe that I didn't purposefully cheat on him with Liam. Never once have I had feelings for Liam. Yeah, maybe he had feelings for me but that didn't mean they were mutual.

I went to the fridge and searched through to find something good to eat. I was starving. I hadn't eaten all day because I've been so worried about seeing and talking to Niall. I came across some ice cream and scooped myself some in a bowl. I drizzled chocolate syrup on top and of course added a cherry.

As I looked down as I was eating my ice cream I couldn't help but think of the time when Niall and I had met and when we hung out we got ice cream. He took me to this ice cream shop called, Pat's Cold Stone Creamery. It had THE best ice cream ever. Anyways, I remember I had ordered a waffle cone with two scoops of black raspberry ice cream and Niall order a waffle cone with two scoops of vanilla, that was my second choice. He put his band on my lower back and led me outside the door. All of the sudden this bee flew right into my face and I started screaming and threw my ice cream right in the air and it landed right on Niall's head and dripped down his face. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact I completely covered him. It was hilarious. What made the day better was after the fact I dropped my ice cream, he gave me his and proceeded to try and like any of my ice cream off of his face. Whenever I eat ice cream that's all I can ever think about. I couldn't help but to smile at myself and tears started to roll down my cheeks.

Niall really was mad at me. Now I truly see what he went through to get me back. Wow, never did I ever think I was going to say that. I actually felt Niall's pain for once. Now, it was time to brainstorm what was going to win that goof balls heart back over. I thought to myself, well one way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I could easily cook Niall a meal but that just wouldn't do anymore. He needed something special.

I got it! I knew exactly what I was going to do. I was going to take Niall to a baseball game. He always loved baseball. I had to find a decent game that we could go to because then he would be in for a special surprise. Nope, not gonna tell you all what it is, you're just going to have to wait and see.

I decided after finishing my ice cream I was going to watch a DVD. I was a kid at heart and I put on Finding Nemo. I started a fire and got under a blanket. It was time for me to relax for once. It was one of my all-time favorite movies. Just as Nemo was swimming to touch the "butt" there was a knock at my door. I folded to blanket off of me and got up and went to the front door. I unfortunately couldn't see who it was because there was no peep hole on this door.

I unlocked the door and there stood Niall. Uhm, what was he doing? Did he not just tell me he had enough for one night.

"Can I come in? Okay, good cause I'm going to anyway."

"Oh...? Uhm alright sure." I was so confused. Why the hell was he here? I looked like shit and usually I wouldn't care but now I have to make an impression.

"Look, after seeing you tonight I don't want you to think you can magically pop up in my life and think everything's all perfect and we're just gonna get back together. That's just not happening."

"Oh my god really?! Gee I would've never guessed." I was such a sarcastic smart ass sometimes. I just didn't need his attitude and smart remarks to make my life any more complicated than it already was.

"Okay, you don't need to be a smart-ass now. Can you just listen to me for two seconds? I just wanted to clear up things with Stephanie. We're not back together so don't get any thoughts into that little brain of yours. I just needed a friend after who I thought was my girlfriend went and cheated on me with my best-"

"Look, Niall. I get it. For once, just one time can we please not argue? I actually wanted to just relax and watch a movie alright? If you just give me a chance to make it up to you I will."

That's when he heard Finding Nemo. I guess I forgot to pause the DVD.

"Are, are you watching Finding Nemo?" He said with a huge smile on his face. Wow, he actually smiled this was shocking.

"Do you want to watch the movie...? I mean I'm gonna be watching it to so I hope you don't care I'll be in the same room."

"Okay, it's not like you smell or something and I can't stand to be in the same room as you. But I guess I can stay for a little while. My car won't be back for me for a little while so I guess I'll watch a bit of the movie. But DON'T get any ideas."

I showed Niall back to the couch as I sat down on the left side Niall sat to the right. He tried to put as much space between us as he could. I felt really loved. Before I knew it, it was 12:00 a.m and my eyes were beginning to shut. Niall was still up but he was frequently on his phone doing whatever it was that he does. He didn't say one word to me throughout the entire movie. I was exhausted so I didn't care if I fell asleep. I knew he would be able to let himself out.

I dosed off into a heavy sleep when suddenly I woke up to an alarm that was set on my phone. I completely forgot I had set it so I could go out and plan my big surprise for Niall. I had to start bright and early. But wait a second, why was it that I found myself laying on someone's warm chest. I looked up to see that Niall was sound asleep and he had his one arm around me and the other on top of my head. What made him stay the night?

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