chapter 5

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All of the sudden as I am about to close the door someone came up behind me, blind folded me, swooped me up and off of my feet and took my away. I was literally screaming bloody murder. But little did I know as I got in the car it was Louis, Harry, Liam and Zayn who had “kidnapped” me to get my attention. 

“So Beeccccaaa wanna be let in on a little secret?” Liam said to me with that adorable smile of his on his face.

“Uhm yes please. Would someone care to tell me as to why you took me?”

“Well, you gave us no other to choice but to pick you up ourselves. Do you understand what you’re putting that lad through! He’s quite the mess you know.” Gosh, Harry’s voice was so seductive I wasn’t even worried about Niall. 

“I’m glad he’s a mess. He left me as a mess you know. I cried myself to sleep for hours on end and for days. For weeks I waited for that one phone call but I never got it. I sat on my bed thinking to myself was it something I did. Did I do something that made him not want to be around me? To this day I still have no fucking clue on why Niall left me hanging the way he did.”

I was so furious. The boys were truly going to see the angry side of me. I hated the fact I was such a bitch but I needed them to see how I felt. I wanted them to know Niall made me go through pain as well. He hurt me more than I am hurting him.

“That is exactly why we are going to take you to a special place today. We want you to meet someone or I’d like to say be reunited.” Zayn said this very suspiciously. I had already been reunited with all of them and Niall, who else could there be?

We drove for another 45 minutes or so until we finally arrived to some small cottage. I had never seen this place before and nothing around here seemed familiar. As I walked into the house I was quite nervous and didn’t know what to think at this point. We walked into the kitchen and I see Niall sitting on the counter looking down at his iPhone and some blond chick whose face I couldn’t see.

All of the sudden the girl turns around, it was that bitch, Stephanie. What the hell was she doing here”? Clearly she and Niall were still dating. I knew it, Niall was lying to me all along. I figured he just needed some bull shit to get his way back into my life. He knew I didn’t like her and neither did any other lad in the band. 

“Rebecca. Thank God you’re here. There’s so much that Stephanie and I have to tell you.” 

“Oh that you two are still together and that you never broke up and that you just needed some excuse to come back into my life. Well yeah that sums it up so I guess it’s time for me to go.”

“oh no you don’t!” Liam said to me as he was pushing me back into the kitchen. 

“So what is it Niall? You wanna speak?”

“Stephanie and I aren’t together! We dated for two months after you left Ireland. The Stephanie I was texting was my cousin. Wasn’t it Stephanie?”

“Bitch, please. Niall texts me all the time. He still wants to be with me we all know it. No one can even compare to me. Niall thinks about me constantly. You’re just jealous you’re not the one he wants.”

“Would you just shut up for two seconds!?” Louis screamed at her. I had never seen him like this before. Clearly these boys were in it for me and Niall to make amends.

I looked straight into Stephanie’s eyes and I told that bitch off. 

“You think you’re pretty don’t you? You think you’ve got a beautiful body, the perfect hair, awesome skin? Psh sure whatever think what you want. But honey, makeup can only take you so far. I see right past your orange skin. I don’t give a fuck if you’re with Niall. He’s the idiot that’s dating some insecure bitch that clearly has nothing better to do but to torture others all day.”

“Who do you think you’re talking to? Niall is mine and you will never have him. We’re still dating whether you like it or not.”

“That’s it I have had enough!” Niall broke out his angry voice. This never happens unless he is actually pissed off. I have only seen him do this once or twice.

“Stephanie we are no longer dating! Get that through that thick skull of yours please! Rebecca it’s you I am more worried about. I need ya back in my life! I miss having my best friend. Can’t you see that? I don’t want Stephanie I left her and she is long gone. She’s too dumb to see that!”

“Alright, alright calm down. You clearly need to have Paul or someone take care of her cause frankly she can’t take a hint.” I was flabbergasted and confused on what to say. All I wanted to do was hug Niall and for him to see that I did want him back in my life.

Things were heated for a while after and Liam took Stephanie back to her cave where she belonged. Niall and I chatted for the next few hours until I feel asleep. The next thing I knew I woke up in my bed with a note on my pillow.

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