Chapter 38

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I turned around to see a distraught Maura who led me to a chair to sit down. We talked for a few minutes and I sat and comforted her and let her cry into my shoulder. She discussed with me that the funeral would be in three days and that she would need my help making arrangements because of the condition Niall was in. I didn't mind at all.

As we finished talking I couldn't help but glance around to make sure everyone was okay. It was getting late and I was ready to go home. Maura was going to stay with her sister tonight and Niall and I would have the house to ourselves. This would be good for Niall to relax and get a good night's sleep.

Niall came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He whispered in my ear, "I'm ready to go, can we please go home?"

"Of course." I kissed his cheek and we gathered our things and said our goodbyes to everyone before leaving. I made sure to tell Zayn I would be texting him later because he was telling me who the father of this baby was.

**later that night**

I made Niall and I a cup of tea and grabbed some blankets to watch a movie. I let him pick a movie and he wanted to watch Finding Nemo. I couldn't argue. I loved a classic Disney movie. I grabbed my cell phone quickly to shoot Zayn a quick text:

"Hey Zayn. Listen I do not want to be annoy but who is the father. If it's Niall just tell me."

I saw it send and then delivered. I could see him typing back right away. I was extremely anxious and nervous.

"Babe, who are you texting?"

"Zayn, I have to tell you something." I said looking down cause I wanted to tell him the truth. But I knew the complete truth wouldn't come out.

"Sweety, I saw the article on Perez's website, Zayn explained everything. Don't worry." Thank God. That was nothing I needed.

"But, what are you texting about?"

"Oh, I was just telling him that I was going to discuss the article with you." Niall nodded then kissed me.

Zayn finally replied: "Look, it's nothing something that should be found out over texts."

Then the conversation continued as follows:

Me: Please, I would much rather be by myself and find out if it's him then be in front of everyone and embarrass myself.

Zayn: I understand but I think it's better to be found out in person.

Me: C'mon, don't you think I've been through enough?

Zayn: Alright, alright. I understand that. You know I love you right?

Me: Of course, I love you too. You've been nothing but a great friend.

Zayn: Well, he's a member of One Direction......

Me: Fuck. It's Niall isn't.

Then I saw it said Read at 10:08 P.M. and I was anxiously waiting for a reply. I started biting my nails and Niall knew I did this when I was nervous he saw so I immediately stopped so he didn't catch on. I had to act like nothing was up. Even if Niall was the father, we could get through this.

I cuddled up with Niall for the rest of the movie, I felt really bad that I was texting. I didn't mean to be rude but I needed to know now. I would be facing Stephanie soon at the funeral. This is information I needed to know now.

I never heard back from Zayn that night. Niall fell fast asleep on my shoulder. Around 1:00 a.m. I woke him up and brought him upstairs.

We got tucked into bed and curled up into the sheets.

"You know you're amazing, right?"

"Oh, I know I am." I said giggling. He also laughed.

"Seriously though, I couldn't have gotten through today without you. I really needed you and you were there for me."

I took Niall's hand put it in mine. We laid in each other's arms all night until the next morning. I woke up early around 8:30. It was always hard for me to sleep in when I had things on my mind. I cautiously slid out of bed to not wake up a sleeping Niall.

I decided to get up and go on a jog around the neighborhood. I decided to run about a mile and a half. I came back to shower and go to Starbucks to pick up coffee for us. By the time I finished it was about 10:30 and Niall was still sound asleep. He needed the sleep.

I got in the car and drove to Starbucks and went up to the cashier to order a Pumpkin Spice Latte for myself and French Vanilla Coffee for Niall. I also ordered him a muffin and scone. I figured he'd want a nice treat when he woke up. All the sudden I heard a familiar laugh. It was Liam's.

I turned around but tried to hide myself so he wouldn't recognize me. He was with Stephanie. Wait, what the hell. He was with Stephanie. Oh my god. I stood off to the side waiting for my coffee and awkwardly watched them from a distance. Yes, sounds weird, but you know what this was suspicious.

All the sudden, I see Liam kiss Stephanie and rub her stomach. They both smiled and looked down at her stomach. I rolled my eyes at them kissing. Liam was disgusting, going through his best friend's exes.

My name was called and I grabbed my coffees started to get ready to head towards the door.

That's when I heard, "I cannot wait to have this baby, and we're going to have such a perfect family."

My jaw dropped to the floor. LIAM was the father of STEPHANIE'S baby? What the actual hell was this?

I rushed out of the door and texted Zayn: "Oh my god! Liam's the father isn't he!?"

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