Chapter 30

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I turned the tub on and hit the Jacuzzi jets because I wanted to be relaxed as possible. I wanted to use this as my thinking time. As I waited for the bathtub to fill, I started stripping my clothes off going over in my head what had happened tonight. I just couldn't believe he'd say such things to me, especially on the night were celebrating my 18th birthday. I couldn't quite understand it.

I thought to myself, I won't make any accusations that Niall got Stephanie pregnant but what if he did. I mean I did hear Zayn tell Niall it was his choice, but his choice to do what? Tell me sorry or that she's pregnant and that he just found out like the rest of us?

I didn't want to think about it at this moment. I got in the bath and put on some Ed Sheeran to relax. His music was perfect. As Kiss Me came on, I slid down lower and dipped my hair underneath the water. The instant heat sent goose bumps through my body.

I stayed in the bath for 30 minutes before I decided to get out because I felt like a wrinkled prune. I took my towel off and slipped on my satin rope as I flipped my hair over and wrapped my towel around it. I quickly slipped on a pair of underwear leaving my robe on where I heard my phone vibrate. I had a text from Liam. "Oh great, here we go again." I thought.

I punched in my passcode to unlock my phone to read the message.

"Might want 2 chck twitter Xx" was the first text then followed was "I think u'll get a kick out of this.." I swear if he wrote anything about Katelyn or me he was dead. I pressed my home button and clicked on the Twitter app to see what tweets were awaiting me. My mentions were blowing up like crazy, this was more than normal. I went to read through a majority of them. Some read:

"Whoa! Can't believe it....."

"Didn't see that one coming anytime soon."

"Need to get this shit confirmed. #whatsthetruth ?"

Then I saw that #UhOhNiall was trending. What was uh oh? Did Liam tweet about Niall and I's fight? Yes we had a fight but it didn't need to be publicized that's when all the sudden I heard the strumming of a guitar and the lyrics to Give Me Love. It was the second verse of the song.

"Give me love like never before, cause lately I've been craving more. And it's been awhile but I still feel the same. Maybe I should let you go, you know I'll fight my corner, and that tonight I'll call ya after my blood is drowning in alcohol," I opened the door to an upset Niall strumming away at his guitar and singing his heart out. I stood there and leaned against the door frame.

"No I just wanna hold ya. Give me a little time or burn this out, we'll play hide and seek to turn this around, all I want is the taste that your lips allow, my my my my oh give me love." That's when Niall immediately pushed his lips onto mine and at that moment I had completely forgotten anything that had happened. The entire twitter situation slipped my mind. I could check in the morning.

All that I wanted was to be in Niall's warm arms. He shut the door behind him and put his guitar down as he continued to kiss me. As we walked over to the bed and he pulled his head back and whispered to me,

"I'm sorry."

"Me too," I whispered back.

"I love you," Niall whispered into my ear and it sent goose bumps down my body as his voice tickled my ear. Niall pushed me back on the bed and held me close.

I let him take control and I didn't care. A big part of me wanted to stop him and mention me seeing Haley and the fact that Stephanie's pregnant. But that could wait. Couldn't it....?


Sorry for the short chapter


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