Chapter 31

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I had fallen asleep in Niall's arms that night but woke up around 5:30 a.m. with his arms wrapped around my waist and him sound asleep. It hit me then that I had just let everything slip my mind and I let him get away with it all. Shit. I do it every single time. It's that freaking face of his and then his voice when he sings, I mean c'mon.

I couldn't fall back asleep. I had so many things running through my mind. I decided to get up and leave the hotel to go get coffee at a nearby Starbucks and go on a run. I slipped into some yoga pants and a sports bra and put on a hoodie over top. I grabbed keys to the car and quietly left the hotel room. I didn't bother leaving a note to Niall, cause quite frankly he didn't deserve one.

I had to also think of some way to tell Katelyn that she had to stay away from Liam without sounding like a bitch. To make matters worse, I had to admit to her that I'd gotten with him and that's why Niall and I had such problems. God she was gonna kill me for not saying anything earlier. But how could I? I was in such denial myself.

I quickly texted Katelyn saying: "Hey girl, hope you had a fun night like I did. We need to talk it's really important. Text me once you're up."

I then decided I should text Haley as well to meet up for lunch. I needed to find out more dirt about Stephanie the slut. God, she was annoying just hearing her name pissed me off.

As I finished up my coffee in starbucks, I drove to the nearby beach and went on a jog for a good hour to clear my head. I thought to myself numerous times, maybe I should confront Stephanie or will she show up to my door saying Niall's the father? But wouldn't she just do that to get Niall back? What if this what if that, was all I could think. I had to say something to someone. It was a matter of who I came across first and when.

I got back to the hotel room around 8:00 expecting everyone to be sound asleep. I hadn't seen the other boys or Katelyn come out of their rooms. As I entered my new room, I saw no Niall in the bed. But I saw a note on the nightstand. It read:

"Morning babe. Loved having you in my arms last night. Come down to the breaksfast buffet at 9:00 once you're back. There's something I need to tell you."

Great. He knew Stephanie was pregnant. He had to know, what else was there to tell me, he already said sorry and did his whole song to apologize. The next hour was going to feel like a century for me. I decided since I had an hour I would hop in the shower and get all clean after my run.

I connected my phone to the iBase and opened my "Shower" playlist. I clicked the shuffle button and the first song that blasted through the speakers was "Vegas Girl" by Conor Maynard. Now this was my jam. It was going to take my mind off of everything and just let me have a good time and be the goofy dancer and singer in the shower I am.

"This is for the girls that'll get down loooooow" I belted in the shower as I was pretending I was performing for a whole audience. Yes, I sucked at singing, but hey who's shower isn't their stage? I squeezed the shampoo into my hands and lathered it throughout my hair. I gently closed my eyes to rinse out the shampoo until it dripped into my eyes. Of course, I would get soap in my eyes.

As the song finished up the next song that came on was "Want U Back" I was a big brat. I loved Cher, she was such a sweetheart. "UGH!" I grunted at the top of my lungs.

"Heeeey boy you never had much game, thought I need to upgrade so I went and walked away way way!" I sang as I began to shave my legs. Everything had left my mind. I finished up in the shower and it was about 8:20 by the time I was all cleaned. I dried myself off and plugged in the blow drying to blow dry my hair straight and save me the pain of flat ironing it.

After about ten minutes of blow drying my hair and quickly applying makeup, I walked over to my suitcase to pick out an outfit. I slid on a pair of jean shorts, a bandeau and put on a button up blouse. I found a head band in my bag with a bow on it and gently placed it in my hair.

I had 20 minutes to spare and that's when I finally decided to go back on tumblr to see what all the fuss was about. I check to see that UhohNiall was trending because Liam tweeted saying: "Nial u dumie, y do u alwys scrw up?" Thank God nothing about our fight or the pregnancy was mentioned.

It was around 8:55 when I left my hotel room and arrived to the buffet. As I stood in the elevator I took a deep breath praying what news awaited me was nothing but good news.

I walk around the corner of the lobby and arrive in the buffet telling the hostess I'm meeting someone. As soon as I walk in looking for Niall, I see him sitting there with tears streaming down his face, and he had red puffy eyes. Something told me I should walk away from it all now so I don't scream in public, but he saw me.

"Bec, thank god you're here. We need to talk." I hesitantly sat down in my chair after Niall sat back down himself.

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