Chapter 10

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I stood on the stage and no words would come out of my mouth. I was honored at the fact he had formally asked me out like a real man. But did I want this? Did I want to go back on my word and be more than friends with him? Was it worth risking our entire friendship? I thought about running off stage for a moment but I knew it would be completely wrong to embarrass him like that. He was really working hard to find a way back into my heart.

What felt like a million years was really only a minute and I quickly thought to myself I know I'll regret it if I don't say yes.

"Niall Horan,"

"Yes Rebecca Hamilton?"

"I would be more than honored to be your girlfriend."

Everyone in the crowd started clapping and applauding the new happy couple. Louis came up behind me and pulled me up in the air congratulating me before I could even hug or kiss Niall. Finally when I was released from Louis's arms I went up to Niall and fell deep into his arms. I didn't want to let go. For once, I was comfortable where I was.

I can't even imagine why I wanted to run away. Now I just wanted things to be smooth from here. But with my luck, nothing was ever good for long or perfectly smooth. I just wanted to think positive thoughts.

Finally after all the mad chaos we made our way back to the dance floor and danced for a while. Then finally a slow song came on. As Niall and I were dancing Liam cut in. I hadn't talked to Liam since Niall met us at the restaurant. I loved Liam he was such a cutie and knew how to make a girl smile.

"So are you finally happy for once? Am I no longer gonna get any late night phone calls crying?"

"Oh no you'll get late night phone calls, but they won't be of me crying. They're gonna be me wanting to talk to my best friend."

We all dinished dancing the night away and 12:00 rolled around before we even knew it. We planned on staying overnight in the hotel where the gala was held. Of course we were going to have an after party.

We got up into the room and I changed out of my dress and into something more comfortable. Louis had brought drinks up into the room.

"Cheers to the new happy couple! It's about fucking time!!!!" All the boys said as we clinked our glasses together.

"He's been waiting a while for this Rebecca. He's been talking about this moment for forever." Harry said with a smile on his face.

The night was still young and we had a long night ahead of us. We enjoyed ourselves more than ever. We were all dancing, cracking jokes, having a good time.

The night had gone by faster than I thought it would. After a long night of hard core partying I crashed on the bed. I didn't care where I was I just wanted to sleep. The next thing I knew it was morning and I woke up to arms around me and the warmth of the breath of Liam. I was so happy to be in his......... wait what. Did I just say Liam? Yup, I said Liam. Why the hell was Liam next to me with his arms around me?

He has a girlfriend and I now have a boyfriend who I am happy with. I shoved his arms off and me and screamed what the hell are you doing Liam!?

He looked at me with a blank expression and said, "Don't you remember what happened last night? You sure acted like you enjoyed it."

I was rushing around the room looking for Niall. Niall was no where to be found. I had no idea what I had done the night before. I figured Niall was going to come into bed with me later that night. I went around to the boys asking where the hell Niall was and they said they had no idea. The only one that knew was Harry.

"Rebecca, Niall left. He saw you and Liam and couldn't take it anymore. At first he wasn't mad but then it just progressively got worse."

"Harry! What the hell did I do? I am so lost! Please tell me what I did. I need to find Niall."

"I can't help you there Rebecca. I know where Niall is but you're gonna have to find him on your own. This time you were the one causing the damage."

Oh my god, what had I done? I didn't want Liam or anyone else but Niall. We had such a good night and things were going good. See I knew something would happen. I now had to get to the bottom of this, first I had to find out what the hell I did.

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