Chapter 13

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I stood there speechless. I held the note in my hand for a moment and then I ripped it to shreds. I let the wind take the pieces away. I went back to the couch, furious of what I just read. What was this, is he two? It's just like before. Maybe he seriously hasn't changed.

I was about done. I wanted to give up on hopes of ever getting him to speak to me. I tried calling him four more times before I wanted to watch any news casts on me. Oh no, it was time. I was the next story up. I shut my eyes, took a deep breath and had to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to see.

"So we've all heard about Niall Horan's new girlfriend, Rebecca Hamilton. Now why is it in these recent photos we see Niall Horan with ex-girlfriend Stephanie Blatt?

Something's not right here. Are they still friends or have the next couple split and is Niall back with the old?"

Shit. No no no. They're already being seen out in public. Great. This is it. Even if I did see Niall again I knew it would look even more wrong to the public eye.

I was exhausted and was ready for bed. I turned off all the lights and the t.v. and headed up stairs. I slid my legs underneath the covers and prepared myself for a long night of sleep. I needed it, I was so fed up with all of the drama.

I was sound asleep when all of the sudden I heard my phone going off like crazy. I couldn't reach my phone until finally I fell right out of bed and smacked my head trying to reach for it on the nightstand. I look up to see who was texted me at 3:00 a.m. It was Zayn. He texted me saying,

"Sorry Becca to text you so late! But I need you to know Harry, Louis and I are trying our best to get Stephanie away from Niall. We need you to try your best to stay out of the public eye. Niall belongs with you we'll take care of Liam."

I smiled at the text and was glad to know the boys had my back. I guess Harry was coming around and realized that it was Liam who came on to me. I headed back to sleep and slept until 11:00 the next morning. I deserved to sleep in.

I stretched my body and I lifted myself up from the bed. I opened up the blinds only to see a swarm of paparazzi outside of the house. I immediately ducked down so they couldn't see me. I crawled to my phone, which was ringing at the moment, it was Zayn.

"Hey! It's Zayn, stay low and come downstairs to open the door for us. We're here."

I quickly slid down the stairs to open the front door for them as I hid my face.

"What are you guys doing here!?"

"Well since you've been asleep you probably haven't checked the news on the internet, phone or your tv?" Louis said to me worried.

"No I uh, haven't......"

"Liam kinda leaked a picture of you two kissing and now everyone thinks you're the 'One Way Whore...'"

"WHAT! What picture we haven't taken any together, EVER!"

"He must have snagged a pic when you two were ya know and he was completely sober that night I mean he's got one kidney. He's not taking the chance with drinking."

Harry was really starting to freak me out. I looked down at my phone to see a picture of me and Liam. It was true, I was the One Way Whore.

Next thing I knew Niall was texting me. "Really, Rebecca? First the hotel, then the plane and now this. I thought I knew you better than that. I can't believe you. I have had it. You're nothing to me. It's time I move on and so should you."

NO NO NO NO NO. I was about to kill Liam. What happened to the big sweetheart everyone loved and knew. He did not even exist to me anymore. I had a rough day and stayed inside with the boys all day.

We decided that night to head out for a drink because at this point we all needed one. They unfortunately took me to the bar where Niall and I first met. We didn't have much of a choice because it was the farthest away from the house which meant less paparazzi.

As I walked in and sat down at the bar the boys told me they were gonna go use the bathroom and be right back. Since when did boys go to the bathroom together...? Anyways, I ordered a beer and a drank that beer like there was no tomorrow.

I looked beside be to see a gorgeous blond hair, blue eyed Irish boy crying to himself. I took a second glance and it was Niall. What was I supposed to do now?

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