chapter 1

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I dragged myself to my car as I anticipated getting to school to see who this new student everyone was tweeting about. He was a supposed “hot, built dude from out of the country” I figured it was some kid from England as a foreign exchange student. 

I arrived at the school and was only thrilled to see Katelyn and a few others. No one else had known about the two previous summer’s I had because Niall didn’t want me to be threatened by the paparazzi. I found out my schedule which was : Calc 1, U.S. History, Spanish 4, and Family Consumer Science. The only class I looked forward to was Family Consumer Science.

Luckily the day was going by fast and it was finally time for fourth block. The teacher Mrs. Smith was crazy and energized. 

“Alright class! Happy Monday! Today we have a new student. I’m not sure if you have heard but he is from Ireland!” I thought oh joy the one place I don’t even wanna hear about right now.

“His name is Niall. You probably all kno-“

“OMG IS HE NIALL HORAN THE ONE FROM ONE DIRECTION!? OH MY GOSH PLEASE TELL ME IT’S HIM I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM!!!!” some random chick interrupted her and I knew she was quite the directioner. 

“Yes his name is Niall Horan. Now I want to you treat him with the respect you’d give anyone else. The reason he is here is because he is on a break from tour and wanted to experience something new in America.” I thought to myself there’s no fucking way. It cannot be true. I didn’t want this to be happening right now. 

In walks that adorable guy and I immediately turn around but not fast enough. 

“Take a seat anywhere you’d like!” shocking, he comes and sits next to me not realizing it’s me at first. Of course, this was the one class I didn’t have with Katelyn for her to save me. He said hi to me but I just nodded me head allowing him to not see my face.

“Okay, for this class you will be assigned a husband or wife. You will learn how to cook, take care of a family, pay bills, all the basic things you need to know to live a successful life.”

“I CALL DIBS ON NIALL” Christina yelled. I just laughed and so did he. 

“I will be assigning you partners,” Mrs. Smith said. Knowing my luck I’d be paired up with him.

“Okay, Nick you’re with Stacy, Christina you’re with Matt……… and last but not least Rebecca you’re with Niall.” Shit. This is not happening I thought to myself. 

I turned around to see those big blue eyes staring at me. 

“Rebecca is that you…?”

“Unfortunately, it is. What’s up asshole?”

“Well it’s nice to see you too…” I didn’t know what the hell he was thinking. He acted as if nothing ever happened. I was surprised to think he even tried talking to me. I was not ready to let him back in my life after he ditched me for that bitch. 

“Your assignment for this weekend is to get to know one another and go out and learn more about one another,” I thought there is no way in hell am I going out to dinner with him.

Luckily the bell rang before I knew it and I ran out of that classroom as fast as I could with tears streaming down my face. Before I knew it I felt someone pull my shoulder back. I turn around and there he is. I couldn’t let him see me like this. 

“Look Niall I want nothing to do with you. Both you and your girlfriend made it clear to stay out of your lives.”

“Rebecca, she’s my ex-girlfriend there’s so much I have to tell you please. I’ve tried calling and calling but you never answer. Please let me drive you home so I can explain.”

“What makes you think that I’ll believe all of that? Do you even realize how excited I was for you to get as far as you did and then you just ditched me like that?” 

“I know I was a jerk a big jerk. Please let me explain.”

“I’m afraid it’s a little late for that…….”

I quickly unlocked my car and got in. I drove away fast and went on a long drive. All I heard on the radio was their two hit singles. I needed to clear my head of everything and anything. Just seeing him brought back all of those old feelings. I still loved him but he never knew that. 

A couple hours passed and I was home sitting on my couch on tumblr and twitter. I got all of these messages asking how I knew Niall. People clearly saw what happened in class and in the hall way. Then I heard a knock at the door and my doorbell rang.

It was Niall. I wanted to shut the door on his face but he stopped the door in time. I let him in and I knew I would regret it. 

“There’s something I need to tell you. Just don’t talk and listen for ten minutes please,” as he begged me to sit down.

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