Chapter 26

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"SURPRISE!!!!" Everyone shouted as they jumped up from behind the couches and flicked the light switches on.

"Oh my god! What's all this for?!"

"Well, babe I know your birthday isn't until Monday but I thought it'd be fun if we all celebrated now since it's a Friday night and we have to party it up!"

"Aww! Thanks Nialler! I thought you guys would've been half way back to London now?"

"And miss out on the adventures we're having tonight? Ha that's a funny joke Bec!" Louis said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh no, what adventures are we planning on having tonight boys?"

"Well you know that club, Down 21, in L.A. you've been dying to go to?"


"Well I got us a special VIP lounge reserved for all of us for tonight. Then we're staying in a Pent House of the Hilton Hotel."

"Whoa, Niall that's beyond sweet of you. You really didn't have to do all of this."

"I did it because I wanted to. But don't you worry this is just the beginning." Niall said coming up to peck my lips. I couldn't believe how amazing things were going. We were so happy that we could just celebrate my big 18th birthday without the stress of everyone else.

All the boys went to their rooms to get ready for the night. Zayn and I were ready from the gym after showering and changing. We were downstairs and I sat on the computer to download the video of me and Zayn to my computer because I was afraid I would lose it when I got a new phone. When all the sudden the doorbell rang and I mistakenly hit upload instead of download but didn't realize. Who would be ringing the doorbell on a Friday night when we knew no one else out here?

"Hey, Bec! Can you get that? It's probably the Fedex guy. Louis' mom sent out some Yorkshire tea because he can't last two seconds without it."

"Oh shut up! It helps me relax!" Louis said with sass of course because he's the sass master of Doncaster.

"Yeah, yeah I'll get up." As I approached the door I looked out of the peep hole and it was some girl all dressed up looking down. I didn't see a face so I figured it was someone's date for tonight.

As I opened the door I turned my head to shout up to the boys, "Oh boyyyyyys! Someone's date for this evening has arrived."

"Hey, now I'm no date, I'm just here for my best friend's birthday." Oh my god. There Katelyn stoof with her hands on her hips with a smile on her face.

"AHHHHHH! Oh my god what are you doing here!? How the hell did you fly out to fricken California?"

"Come here and give me a hug!" We gave each other the biggest bear hug since we hadn't seen each other in ages. It had been way to long.

"Seriously, how did you get out of school better yet, with your salary how did you afford a ticket here? Haha." She was a waitress, I was completely curious on how she afforded to fly across America.

"Well, you know this guy you call your boyfriend, Niall? Yeah well he and I have been talking for a little while now and he flew me out here. Did you really think he was gonna make you go out on your 18th birthday without me?"

"Oh my god, I cannot believe he did that! I still can't believe you're here. Come in come in. I want to introduce you to all the boys properly!" All the boys came up to hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek to greet her.

We all chatted for a few minutes and headed out to the car grabbing a few last minute overnight things that'd we'd most definitely need. I was so excited. I had been dying to go to this club to dance my heart away and for once enjoy my night with my best friend that I hadn't seen.

It was around 9:00 we finally arrived at the club, the night was still young and we had a long night ahead of us.

We were all partiers and knew how to make a good time last. There was a man at the door who had led us back to our area. Niall placed everyone's coats on the couch and me, Katelyn, Harry, Zayn and Liam headed to the dance floor. Niall and Louis had gone to the bar to get drinks for everyone.

Let's Go by Calvin Harris and Ne-Yo started to play and this was one of my new favorite songs. Zayn, Harry and I were having a good time when all the sudden I saw Katelyn and Liam dancing. Don't get me wrong I have NO feelings for Liam whatsoever, but there's a slight problem. Katelyn doesn't know the entire story on why Niall and I had first broken up. No one knows the real true story except me and the boys. I was afraid he was only trying to flirt with her to make me jealous.

I decided to ignore it because I wasn't going to let him ruin my birthday. Niall brought everyone their drinks and that's when Niall took my hand we started to have our own fun on the dance floor while the others found other girls to dance with.

That's when someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Katelyn and Liam snogging. Great, I thought to myself. And Niall could see the anger on my face.

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