Chapter 20

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"Miss, miss! Please wake up, it's time to prepare for landing. I need you to recline your seat forward and fasten your seatbelt." Wait what? Didn't I already land.....?

"Wait what? Aren't we already- I'm sorry never mind me."

What the hell? Didn't I already land and didn't I just bump into Niall. I immediately check my phone to see that the date was Friday 6:00 p.m. Did I seriously just never meet Niall at the hotel? I thought this was all happening for real for once. I thought everything was going my way, was this some sort of dirty trick my mind was playing on me?

I couldn't be any more frustrated as I got off the plane. Everything was a dream, a fucking dream. I actually thought I had the chance to get my Nialler back. That was it. I was tired of all of Liam's games and all the tricks my mind was playing on me. I was going to do whatever it took to get Niall back. I would lick the ground if I had to.

I scooped up my luggage from the carry on storage and then headed for baggage claim. I had so many bags because I had packed up everything that I had taken to Ireland with me. I had two other giant bags that I need to pick up. I knew the line would be hectic for baggage claim so I headed to where I could rent a car first. I didn't exactly get the car that I had in my dreams but I got a nice convertible still. That was fine by me. Anything that would get me from point a to point b.

Finally after getting the keys to my car I rushed to baggage claim to make sure I didn't miss the chance to get my bags. I was waiting patiently for my bags to come around but they were nowhere to be found. This couldn't be happening. Seriously, first what I thought was the happy ending to me and Niall's relationship was a dream now my luggage was gone?

I went over to customer service to see what to do but before I could say anything, I felt my phone buzz, it was an unknown number that had texted me.

The text read: "If you wish to receive your luggage back, which I'm sure contained personal belongings, you will listen to me and I will guide you to your luggage."

What the hell? Was I being blackmailed now? I swear if it was some crazy ass fan or something doing this to me, it was not the time or place. I replied to the text like any other person would asking what I had to do. I waited patiently for a reply for about ten minutes.

The next text read as: "You can meet me at Calypso Steakhouse at 9:00 tonight for a late dinner. I expect you to be there or no luggage."

Okay, now was I supposed to meet a total stranger or something? I wasn't comfortable with this whatsoever.

Luckily I had an old friend that was on vacation in California. Thank God she was available to come with me tonight. She completely understood the entire situation and wanted to make sure I got my suitcases and could get some much needed rest.

I drove to go pick her up to bring her back to my hotel to catch up and chat for a bit before we had to leave. Before I knew it, it was already 8:30 and it was time to leave. We hopped into my car and had trouble starting the car at first. I started panicking because I had some very personal things in my luggage.

We finally got the car to start up and arrived at the restaurant at 8:58. Just in time to get my back from whomever this ass hole was. I asked the hostess if she knew of anyone waiting for me at a table. She led me to the table where no one was sitting. She explained the other guest was in the bathroom at the moment. Now I just had to sit here awkwardly with my friend to see who this person was and why they chose ME of all people.

I then heard the bathroom door swing open and blood was rushing throughout my body. I couldn't take it anymore I stood up and threw my napkin on the chair to start flipping out. But, that's when I saw it was Niall.

"Niall what the hell?!"

"I'm going to leave you two alone, I'll see you later, okay?" My friend told me. oh my god, Niall of all people stole my luggage?

"Hello, Rebecca why don't you sit down."

"Uhm, alright after you explain what's going on here."

"Well you see, lately I've been thinking, I've known you too long just to let you go that easily without payback or any of that. But I'm not the kind of guy that's mean and has to get revenge. I've been sitting here on the beach for days now just thinking in my mind and going over what could have possibly provoked you to do such a thing. But then it dawned on me, Liam had always been weird around me whenever I talked about you or whenever I even mentioned your name. so I thought maybe you were really drunk and I was going to let you explain yourself."

"So now you finally are giving me the chance? You know Niall I've been devastated for the longest time trying to get you back flying all across the world you know."

"I get that. But if you really loved me and wanted to be back in my life we're going to play a little game."

"Oh god, not another one of your games."

"I wanna see if I can earn your trust back. As much as it kills me to say this, but I miss you and I'm not gonna lie." I had a slight smile emerge on my face.

"Okay, so what's the game? We play hide the luggage and now it's time for me to find it?"

"Nope. Now we're going to play a little game of trivia to see how much you remember about our friendship and me of course. For every question you get wrong. I cut one of your precious pieces of clothing. This will really show me if you really care to remember what we had and for me to think just THINK about me letting you back into my life." Damn it. He knew how obsessed I was with clothing and how much I loved to shop. Cmon this wasn't fair, well maybe it was. He was playing dirty. I guess I was going to have to play dirty as well.

"So what's the first question?"

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