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"I-I-I am... Sir, I mean doctor. I'm Zayn." Zayn couldn't help but to be hesitant and hold back a few tears. He didn't know what to do with himself at this point. He hadn't been extremely involved but still, that was his child.

"I'm gonna need to you to come back with me in private, I need to discuss some things with you." Zayn gulped and took a deep breath as Louis shoved him along.

We all waited anxiously for the news that we didn't want to hear. The news that no one ever wanted to hear.


"Zayn, I'm sincerely sorry, but we lost Stephanie during surgery. She lost too much blood and we were not able to save her in time. We were able to get your child out in time. I'm so sorry for your loss."

"What!? How could you let her die! You're a doctor! This isn't supposed to happen. That baby needs a mother and I just no no. How could you do this!?"

"I'm extremely sorry, we tried everything in our power. This sometimes happens. She lost blood on her way to the hospital and there wasn't much we could do. We tried our absolute best. I'm very sorry for your loss. Please let me know if you'd like to say your final goodbyes."


I walked over to Zayn as I saw him sobbing against the wall. Although he and Stephanie were not in a relationship, that was the mother of his child.

I rubbed his back gently and waited for him to lift his head to see if he would talk to me.

"Bec, she's gone."

"Zayn, I'm so sorry. Heaven has gained a beautiful little angel. You'll be a dad-"

"No, Bec, Stephanie. She's gone. She's dead. She died in surgery." My jaw dropped. I didn't know what to do. This was not the news I was expecting.

"Zayn, I'm so sorry to hear that. You know that she'd want you to take care of your baby for her and yourself. You're going to make a wonderful father and you'll have everyone here with you."

"I have a daughter ya know. This changes everything. How am I supposed to tour and be a dad I can't do this."

"Zayn, stop it. Yes you can. You'll be a wonderful father okay. You can do this. Stop saying you can't and know you can. I will go shopping with you and we will plan everything out."

"Will you be here to at least help me?"

"I-I-I uh as of now sure Zayn. I will try my best. We don't know what the future brings. Just know you have your mom and sisters and the boys with you, okay?" I hesitated and didn't know what the hell to say. Gosh, the poor boy was heartbroken and here I was waiting to find out if I was leaving or not.

I had to reevaluate things and really decide what would be the best decision or not for the boys and I. Was it truly worth me leaving now that there would be a baby directioner?

I immediately went out shopping to the mall and closest department stores to make sure the baby had all the necessities. I was pacing back and forth around the stores stressing out not knowing what to think.

I texted Zayn that I would stay the night with him and the baby because I know it would be hard for him. I went to his house to set everything up so he wasn't stressed out and went back to the hospital within a few hours.

When I arrived back at the hospital Zayn had picked out a name for the girl, Aofie (pronounced efa). I thought it was beautiful and definitely something Stephanie would've liked. He did a solid job at the name picking. You could see the dark bags in his eyes as he held Aoife. He was ready for sleep. I told him I would take over for a little while so he could rest.

As I rocked Aofie back in my arms Niall came into the room. He took a seat right next to me and I could feel him starring deeply at me with those blue eyes of his.

"Looks like you know what you're doing with her," He smiled at his feet while playing with his hands.

"I mean I guess. I have a couple baby cousins back at home." Okay, awkward much?

"Okay, I guess I should just cut to it shouldn't I? Bec, why are you leaving? What went wrong that you have to leave? We have something so special and we finally solved our differences, so I thought."

"Ni, I want to go to school. I don't want to be sitting at home the rest of my life doing nothing relying on some guy." I made sure to stay quiet not to wake Aofie.

"Then why do you have to go America? Why can't you just go to school here? Happy medium hmm?"

"Niall you don't get it do you? You'll just end up leaving. That's the point. Another cd, another tour."

"That doesn't mean I won't come back or you can't come to visit! I wouldn't just drop you like that and leave. Gosh Bec c'mon you know me better than that."

"Well you know what Niall, sometimes I don't. And honestly, this is all more than that. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. At all."

"What's that supposed to mean at all?"

"With us, Niall."

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