Chapter 42

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"Preg- wait what? Pregnant? As in a potato in her oven!?" Niall's face immediately went red. I felt awful. He was so surprised and it was so out of the blue. He didn't know what to do with himself.

"Yes, pregnant. With a baby."

"Dear God. How could she not tell me this?! Am I the last to know? Did you know about this Bec?"

"I did Ni. I'm sorry."

"Why hasn't anyone told me? Who's the father? Can someone please just explain this before I explode please?"

"Okay, this is where I'm gonna need you to remain calm and not freak out."

"Oh my. It's mine isn't it? I got her pregnant? I'm such an awful person. Rebecca I am so sorry. I promise you we can-"

"Niall, you're not the father."

"Is it that ex of her's Jeremy?"

"NO IT'S ME ALRIGHT!" Zayn said with guilt and sorrow in his eyes. He put his head in his eyes for a good minute. There was silence and no one spoke a word. My eyes went wide. I kind of looked away not knowing what to say.

"What." Niall said with the biggest attitude ever.

Niall slid his chair up quickly knocking it over and storming out.

"Niall, please just wait and let me explain!" Zayn pleaded as tears filled his eyes.

"Listen Zayn, I'm gonna go talk to him okay? I'll make sure he knows the truth. I can't leave him like this though okay? Text me later alright?"

"Bec, please. Please don't let my best friend hate me. I swear I didn't do it to hurt him. I would never."

"I know that, it's a matter of making sure he does." I shrugged my shoulders and kissed Zayn on the cheek whipping away a few tears.

I chased Niall down the street from the Starbucks.

"Hey Ni! Wanna wait up for your girlfriend?" All I heard was jumbled mumbling that I couldn't understand. His hands were tucked in his pockets and his shoulders were tense.

"Niall! Hellllllo! NIALL JAMES HORAN!"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?" Niall has never once yelled at me like that. I was extremely shocked. I stood there speechless.

"Excuse me? Did you really just ask that? I was just trying to come here to comfort you and explain to you what the real story is."

"I know what the real damn story is. My best friend fucked my ex-girlfriend and knocked her up!"

"Well when you put it that way..." It did sound pretty bad. I guess there was no good way to put this story.

"Yes, Bec. Please enlighten me on how Zayn was in the right and how he did absolutely nothing wrong."

"Just shut up for two damn seconds and maybe you would know that they were extremely drunk and neither of them meant for it to happen."

"How are you too drunk to know not to use a condom or to know who you are sleeping with?! I mean c'mon. Honestly, I cannot believe him."

"He would never do that to hurt you! You know that. He is your best friend. You know that he would only ever want the best for you. Who do you think help me get you back? Zayn. Who went to the trouble of trying to protect you from hurt? Zayn. Who was there for you when you grandfather died? Zayn."

"Those may be true but that does not matter and if you are actually gonna stand up for him you can sleep somewhere else tonight."

"Are you freaking kidding me? You think I'm pleased with his actions? He got Li- you know what, let's just please go home and we will sort this out later. We have the viewing tomorrow and I'd like to all be in one piece."

"Fine, but you can cuddle with your own pillow tonight."

"Gee thanks."

As we walked back home the air was tense you could cut it with a knife. I jiggled the keys in my hand to open the front door.

Niall stomped up stairs and stripped down to his boxers and instantly jumped into bed. He turned to the other side. He really wasn't kidding when he said I could cuddle with my pillow.

"So are we really not going to talk about what just happened? I'd like tomorrow not to be awkward please?"

"It'll only be awkward if he shows up." Tomorrow night was the viewing and then the following day, Wednesday, was the funeral.

"I think you should have your best friend there."

"Quite frankly it feels like I have no one right now."

"That's not true you have me and the other boys."

"Yeah, that's right." He said quietly.

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