Chapter 34

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As we gathered our luggage at baggage claim the boys were jumping on each other's backs and riding in the luggage carts like normal. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. There were paparazzi swarming us of course. Niall guided and shielded me as we walked to the van to take us back to his mother's house. I was not nervous at all to stay with Maura. She was an angel and I had met her plenty of times before Niall and I had started dating.

I was only nervous for what Haley had in store to tell me. When we were in the car I shot her a quick text saying I would do my best to make arrangements to leave and meet her. I asked her where to meet so I would be able to make it discrete.

She texted me back telling me I needed to bring Zayn with me. Zayn we all know I was closer with. We had done things together on our own. We had always been close so I wonder if she just wanted me to bring him as protection or what? Or did he know something I didn't either? Niall was the father of Stephanie's baby wasn't he? Fuck.

Niall saw the nervous look I had on my face as I looked down at my phone and glanced up at Zayn and then texted him telling him that I would need him tomorrow for a couple hours. He of course had no problem, but how would we tell Niall without making things weird or sketchy?

"You okay babe?"

"Me? Oh, yeah! Just catching up on some text messages I missed during the flight." I must have had my thinking face on.

***That night***

Niall and I got wrapped up into the bed comforters both after taking a hot shower. Before he went to turn out the light he told me the plan for tomorrow.

"So, I wanna visit my grandfather at like 1:00 tomorrow, so we'll wake up, eat, then head out sound good?"

"Uh, yeah I'll meet you there I kinda forgot some things at home so I need to go shopping."

"Well this is really important, my grandfather's sick and in the hospital don't you think you can go shopping after?"

"I mean it's kind of stuff I need, if you know what I'm saying. You know mother nature." I said looking down at my feet. I lied, I didn't have my period. That was complete bull shit. What else would I have to buy that was completely necessary?

"Okay, well I'll just take you then-"

"No, no. You go ahead, meet you grandfather and then I will go to the store, take care of my business then I'll come to the hospital after okay? Don't worry." Niall couldn't get suspicious. I had to make this a quick lunch. There was no time for games.

***The Next Morning***

Niall finished getting ready in the bathroom as I lounged in bed a little longer acting like I had my period trying to play the part.

"C'mon lazy ass. Time to get up." Niall said slapping my ass. There wasn't much to slap so I don't know what his point for that was.

"Ugggggh. Fine. Make me breakfast? Pleassseeee."

"Nooo. I've got to get going."

"You're a sucky boyfriend." I said with a pout on my face.

I gathered my purse together and got ready as quickly as possible in the bathroom and then put on a pair of skinny jeans, leather heeled boots and a blouse. I straightened my hair and was ready to go. I put on sun glasses to somewhat hide my face.

I made sure to go to the store so it didn't look like I didn't buy tampons. But now came the tricky part. How was I going to be gone for two hours?

I picked up Zayn to drive to the restaurant and we had to be extremely secretive to make sure no one saw us together. We drove about fifteen minutes or so to meet Haley. I asked him if he could tell me what was going on but still, nothing. Absolutely nothing.

We were guided to the table by the hostess and handed our menus as we greeted Haley with our hugs and hellos. We chatted for a bit and caught up and I didn't want to be rude or rush anything so I was waiting for her to lead to what we had to talk about.

"Okay, so you're probably wondering why we're here."

"Haha. Just a little curious."

"Well, it's regarding Stephanie." Here we go. Okay we get it. Stephanie. Already know she's pregnant now what?

"Okay, is it regarding the father of her baby?"

"Oh yeah, and this you will not be happy about." Zayn said swirling the straw around in his water.

"Dear god can someone tell me who it is!?"

All the sudden my phone started buzzing uncontrollably and I looked down and it was Niall. They knew I couldn't ignore it. I answered it and all I could hear were loud sobs on the other line of the phone. I could barely make out what he was saying.

"Niall, Niall. Babe, I need you to take a breath."

That's when his mom took the phone from him and explained to me what had happened. His grandfather had just passed away.

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