Chapter 24

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I'm sure you all know where it went after that and I'm going to skip any details. Let's just say it was a part of time I will never forget. As Niall and I cuddled in bed we got to talking.

"Wow. That was amazing." Niall whispered in my ear.

"I know."

"I think we can both say it was quite worth it."

"Yes, babe it truly was."

"Can I just ask one question?"

"Of course Nialler."

"Where did you get those clothes?"

"Oh uhm, you see when I went out to go buy everything I needed to get a new outfit so I bought one." I said hesitantly.

"Oh, yeah? You'll pay for that later."

"Whatever you say. Now can I ask one question?"


"Where does this leave us?"

"I don't really know. But can we just leave things the way they are for now? I kinda like where we are."

"I mean, if that's what makes you happy but don't keep me hanging like this forever." I said giggling while looking into those beautiful, blue eyes. You could get lost in them forever.

*Couple weeks pass by*

Things couldn't be any better. We were both in a happy place and my birthday was coming up so I thought Niall and I would be doing something intimate. It was my 18th birthday so it was my last year as a teen. We were still in California at the beach house because we were enjoying his time off from tour and my time off from school. I didn't really mention before what grade I was in but I was in 12th grade, a senior. Before I went away on a chase to get Niall I did have enough high school credits to graduate early. So while people were finishing finals, I got to relax at the beach house. I couldn't ask for anything better.

As we were taking everything day by day, I was looking up colleges because no offense to Niall, but I wasn't stopping my education to follow him around on tour. We aren't even together in a relationship which seriously bothered me. I didn't want to be pushy but we were acting like a couple so I just wanted him to finally make it official. But I can't complain, I'll let him take his time.

"Babe, what are we going to do today? I don't feel like staying inside again." I screamed upstairs to Niall.

"Why don't we go shopping? We're gonna be here awhile so we better get some summer clothes."

"That's fine, but I'm picking things out for you. It's time to change it up."

"What's wrong with a red polo, as Harry would say, it's simple but effective."

"That's all you ever wear. We're gonna get you back into style. Don't worry you can trust me."

"Am I not sexy to you?" He said while pouting jokingly.

"Oh no, trust me you're sexy and I sure as hell know it." I said winking to him as he was leaning over the balcony upstairs.

"Haha. Okay. I'll be down in five."

We got into the car and decided to walk all along the shops. We wanted to open our options to what there was to offer. Of course as Niall parked the car we were automatically ambushed with the paparazzi.

"Niall! Niall over here! Who's this!? Is this the infamous Rebecca?" Cameras were flashing constantly. Damn was it giving me a headache.

Questions were flying out of the paparazzi's mouths like there was no tomorrow. They were questioning our relationship and everything. I expected Niall to ignore it all and move on into the stores.

"Well, if you care to know, this is my lovely girlfriend, now is that right?" He said proudly as he looked me straight in my eyes and kissed me passionately.

Niall guided me into the shops as we ignored the paparazzi for the rest of the time.

"Niall, what was that? I thought we were-" That's when he cut me off.

"Let's face, it you know I'm head over heels in love with you and I think it's about time we make it official."

"Well that's how you're gonna do it without even asking me first?"

"Okay Miss Stubborn, Rebecca, will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?"

"Ew, seriously?" I said sarcastically. "Haha, I'm just screwing with ya Horan, of course I will." I then pecked him on the lips.

"Now let's find you a birthday outfit." He said winking at me.

It was a solid day shopping to say the least. After we finally found me a few outfits, we moved on to find Niall some new ones. I was tired of seeing him only in t-shirts. I was able to get him to buy some tank tops and new skinny jeans. He was putting on quite the fashion show trying everything on. I wasn't worried about shopping for myself. I could pick things out easily. I wasn't very picky. If I liked it and it looked good, I'd buy it.

After we finished checking out it was time to head home. Usually when I got home from a long day, I'd call Katelyn to catch her up with things because I missed my best friend. She couldn't afford to fly out with school and everything going on back at home which I completely understood. Unfortunately her phone went to voicemail and that's when I decided to check my twitter. I'm sure there were already a million and one articles on me and Niall. The only thing I was worried about was all the hate I was going to get. I was not good at receiving negative comments. That's when I clicked my mentions and saw it.

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