Chapter 17

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I pulled into a parking spot right next to Zayn's BMW. He was a gentleman of course and opened my door for me. He held out his hand to help me out of the car. We started walking towards to stadium and Zayn put his hand behind my back to guide me through the paparazzi's flashing cameras. He always made sure to protect me from the paparazzi. They were ridiculously and crazy. I swear, if they mentioned anything about me in the media doing "something" with Zayn, shit was gonna go down.

We got into the stadium to see the team was practicing and hitting around the field. Zayn and I walked around the stadium for a bit and got a bite to eat. We had to wait an hour or so until the people who ran the stadium were able to meet with us.

"Do you think I have any chance of winning him back, Zayn?"

"I'm gonna be dead honest with you, he still talks about you. We hear him crying some nights. He may act as if he doesn't care but we know he does."

"But what about Stephanie?"

"Please that's just a cover-up. He wants you to think he's already over you. I'm telling you right now, after this and a few good laughs he should start warming back up to you."

"Alright, I just wa-" I was then interrupted by the managers of the stadium. The time had come to plan everything out.

"Good afternoon Rebecca. I am Steven and I will be helping you out this afternoon." Steven said as he shook my hand.

"Hi! This is my friend Zayn. Hope it's okay he joined us."

"No worries. My daughter's a huge fan by the way. She loves you guys."

"Haha. Thank you! We love all the support we have." Zayn said with a big smile on his face.

"Okay, now what are the plans for the game this Friday?" Steven asked.

"Well, you see, Niall, I guess my so-called ex-boyfriend and I have been having a lot of problems and I need to win him back haha. He's a sucker for baseball games and he can't really back out of it. Zayn is going to make him believe he's coming here with him but when he claims he's going to the bathroom he'll turn around and see me."

"Okay, that's fine! Now I'm assuming you're meeting with us to make arrangements for after the game as well?"

"Yes, I want to have our own special box reserved. The place must be filled with lots and lots of Nando's. During the game it would be awesome if you could play our song, Marry You by Bruno Mars?"

"Of course. We can make that happen. Now after the game did you want to meet with the team and hang out on the field?"

"Yes! That'd be awesome. I really want him to know I care and give him a tour of the stadium, meet the whole team. And what would really be fun is if we could hit a couple balls on the field and just have fun out there."

"Haha, okay. Don't you worry. We're gonna make this all be perfect for ya."

"Thanks so much!" Okay, I understand that this may not sound like the most amazing plan ever but I know Niall, and he likes simple things like this that will make him smile. I know that once he hears our song, I make him laugh a couple times and we're having fun out on the field he will HAVE to try and start talking to me again.

Zayn and I walked away from the stadium as quickly as we could to our car. We didn't want to be seen by anyone.

"Rebecca, do you wanna grab a bite to eat?"

"Yeah, sure why not! I'm pretty hungry haha."

We drove about 30 minutes away from the stadium to grab something to eat. I really just wanted to get my mind off things and have a good laugh. I was tired of always being stressed out and alone. Zayn was always comforting and knew what to say.

Throughout lunch I kept seeing Zayn's phone light up and I eventually told him to get it because it seemed urgent, god forbid it was management or anyone.

"Everything alright Zayn?"

"Uh, yeah, it's uh it's Niall."

"Let me guess, he found out you were out with me and flipped out because he absolutely hates my guts."

"No, no that's not it. He's gone. He left and he's not at our flat, hotel or even his parents' house."

"Wait what the-"

"Rebecca, I thought everything was actually working out. You know, I've been talking to him and he told me he's a mess. He really wants to believe that you didn't do it on purpose but he's seen the way you have looked at Liam and-"

"Zayn I swear on my mother's life I have NEVER had feelings for Liam. I cried myself to sleep for weeks when Niall first broke my heart. Why would I ever intentionally do that to him. Now I don't know about you but I need to go find Niall."

"I don't think that's a good idea. We'll handle it ourselves."

"No, good try. I'm not staying away from him any longer. For once I'm gonna take charge and find out what his deal is."

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