Chapter 11

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I'm having panic attack, and freaking out. Where the hell was Niall. His bags were packed and they were gone. Had he left me? He couldn't even give me a chance to clear my name and find out what I did. I still had no idea what I did. I felt so hung-over, I had an awful headache and I wanted to puke my brains out.

It also didn't help that I couldn't find Niall. I looked everywhere throughout the hotel. I even asked the front desk if maybe he just switched rooms. Nope, he checked out. Gone. Nowhere to be found. I can't believe I fucked up so badly. It was all of my fault. For once in my life I was happy with a guy and I had made things better with Niall. Everything has just gone down the drain.

I went back to the hotel room in tears begging the boys to tell me what I had done. Louis and Zayn had no clue because they had spent the night with their girlfriends after I had went to bed. Harry and Niall were the only ones who saw. Liam of course left the room to go to the gym. Since Harry wasn't going to tell me, I marched downstairs to the gym.

"LIAM JAMES PAYNE. Get your ass off that treadmill and get it over here."

Everyone in the gym turned their eyes towards me because I had screamed so loudly I wanted everyone to know I was pissed.

"Well someone's sure moody after a lovely night together!" he said to me as he came running towards me trying to kiss me. I of course pushed him back. What was he thinking we were magically together after one night. No no no. I had a boyfriend and he had a girlfriend! What was he thinking?

"Care to explain to me why I woke up next to you this morning and not Niall? Is there a reason all of his things are gone and he is nowhere to be found?"

"Becca, c'mon you're telling me you have no clue on what happened between us last night."

"No Liam. I have no fucking clue. Now either you're gonna tell me right now or I will and I repeat will tell Danielle you cheated on her. And I know for a fact she'll believe me."

"Alright, alright. Calm down."

I was fumed. I wanted to find my boyfriend I was so mad and disappointed in myself. I tried to think really hard to remember the night but I just couldn't. I needed to know the truth and I needed to know it now.

"okay, so last night you remember up to the point where we all said cheers to the happy new couple right?"

"Yes, yes I do."

"Okay, well after that we all had quite the amount to drink. We were playing a bunch of games and got really wasted. Except I didn't. I was sober the entire night. You I guess on the other hand were drunk but it didn't seem that way. I don't think you were."

"No Liam. I most definitely was drunk if I don't remember a damn thing from last night."

"Chill. I'm gonna continue on. Anyways, you and I have been really close for some time and I started to develop quite the crush on you and I love Niall and all but I was not happy when he asked you out last night. I wanted that to be me asking you."

"Whoa, whoa whoa. You're telling me that you developed feelings and didn't tell me when you knew I was getting feelings for Niall!? How could you do that to me!? Now look where I am. I'm beyond hung over, I apparently cheated on my boyfriend and I don't know what to do."

"As the night went on you were getting very touchy feely with Niall and then me. I knew that we were best friends so it was no big deal to hug. Then all the sudden I kinda kissed you...."

"You KINDA kissed me!? Why in the world would you do that? You took advantage of me. That's absolutely disgusting."

"We started kissing a lot more and before I knew it we were making out and Niall went out to go pick up food and when he came back he kinda saw us in your bedroom."

"There' s no way we went-"

"No no no! Gosh no! We only went to second. But unfortunately he caught us. He looked at you and gave you his look."

Oh gosh no. Not the look. Niall had this look when he got mad, he gave you a glare that no one ever wanted to see. I didn't know what to do at this point.

"I cannot believe you'd let me do that with you Liam. I just lost all respect for you. I thought I knew you better than that."

I stormed away from the gym as quickly as I could. I was done. These boys gave my life so much more drama than needed.

"REBECCA! WAIT UP! No don't go! Stay here with me. I guarantee all the lads would agree we belong together. Not you and Niall. You know you feel something."

He then kissed me expecting to see those "fireworks" but no. The only thing I saw was Niall's face.

"No Liam! I feel absolutely nothing! My heart belongs to Niall and that's final."

I was now on a hunt to find Niall. I had to think long and hard about where Niall went when he was mad. I knew Niall like he had been my best friend since birth. Whenever he got extremely mad he went back home. And when I say home I mean Ireland. If I had to go to Ireland to find him then that's what I'd do.

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