Chapter 45

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As I drifted back into a sleep but not a deep one. I couldn't stop thinking about the fifty things going on in life right now. It was all so much. Part of me wanted to just blurt out that I knew about the tour but then another part told me that I should keep my mouth shut and wait until the time was right.

The alarm woke us up around 10:30 so we could take our time showering and getting ready as the funeral was at 2:00 today. I went downstairs to prepare a warm breakfast for Niall as he showered and got ready.

I left it downstairs for him as I walked back upstairs to get ready in the other bathroom. I was mentally preparing myself today praying Zayn would show up. I sent Zayn a text saying that Niall could really use his support. It would definitely be appreciated by both of us no matter how mad Niall was at him.

I never did receive a reply because I am sure he knew he didn't want to say the wrong thing or say he was showing up and have Niall read the text. I could only just hope that he would show up.

I continued to get ready and dressed as Niall came into my bathroom to see if I was finished getting ready. You could see the sadness in his face from the night before. He was ready for the day to be over already. He just wanted to be with his friends and just relax.

I enveloped him in a warming hug and made sure he knew he could find comfort in me. I didn't want him to think that he had no one. From our argument the night before, it sure seemed that he thought this way.

We walked downstairs and headed out towards the car one last time for the church. Niall took a deep breath before pushing through the doors as we both knew this day would be the hardest as he would have to bury his grandfather.

We all waited for everyone to come into the church. I sat in a pew behind Niall and his family. I sat with the boys. About 10 minutes before the funeral was about to start still no signs of Zayn. The boys saw I was getting antsy.

"Bec, you alright over there?" Harry asked me leaning over so he could talk over Louis.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm totally fine."

"What's wrong now?"

"Has anyone heard from Zayn?" I whispered so Niall didn't hear me.

"No, why? I didn't think you guys would want him here."

"Well I mean, I guess I don't really have a place to say no, but for the sake of Niall, as much as he probably would not want him here, I know he does at the same time."

"Uh, I guess maybe he is coming?" Harry nodded his head and pointed his finger. I turned around and a panicked and rushed looking Zayn came through the door. He came and sat next to me.

"Hi," He spoke faintly.

"Thanks for coming."

Niall then turned around and saw he was here.

"Oh, no, no, no. You-" Niall was then interrupted by the priest as began the funeral. It was beautiful and Niall gave a wonderful speech. Through all the tears everyone was able to remember all the amazing memories they have had.

We then drove to the burial site which I knew would be the hardest part. I drove with Harry in my car because Niall decided to drive with his mom and brother which was completely understandable. When we all arrived Niall started to bawl his eyes out and I felt absolutely awful. That was one of the things I hated most, seeing Niall cry.

Much to my surprise Zayn came up behind him and wrapped Niall into a hug and Niall didn't deny it. He cried right into Zayn's chest. Zayn even had a few tears flowing down his cheeks. It was just as if nothing had happened, just like they were best friends again.

As the burial came to a close Niall and I walked back to the car hand in hand as he held his head down to the ground. I continued to tell him how everything would be okay and I would be right there for him through it all.

We went back to our house with all the boys, including Zayn. Niall and Zayn went into the game room where they talked and made up. They were talking for a while and before you knew it you heard laughing and could hear them hugging it out. I knew that it would all be okay. Zayn would be a great father but I knew that he wouldn't ever do anything to hurt Niall.

I made up some snacks for the boys to have as they sat down to play some video games.

"Hey guys do you have an extra iPhone charger I could borrow?" Harry questioned.

"Oh sure thing. There's one in the kitchen cabinet above the desk." Niall said. Shit I thought. That's where my application was.

"Awesome, thanks." Harry pushed himself up from the couch and went over to the cabinet and opened it up and that's when you heard the papers fly out into his face. Great. I rushed over so I could grab them quickly.

"Oh, what's UCLA? Bec are you applying-" I shoved my hand over his mouth immediately so he would shut up and not say another word.

I gave him a dirty look so he knew to shut up and not to say another word.

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