Chapter 12

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I fell asleep on the plane figuring I would. I was used to falling asleep whenever I would travel to Ireland. I woke up and there was Liam. Whoa, whoa, whoa. How in the world did he get on this flight? I didn't even see him!

"What the fuck Liam! I thought I told you to back off and stay away. How did you even get on here?"

"I snuck on into second class without you seeing me.... and did you really think I'd let you go like that after the night we shared?"

"Liam, what don't you get. I told you, I want Niall and only Niall!"

Liam leaned in for a kiss and before I knew it our lips had meant. It wasn't the same! It wasn't Niall. I didn't know what to do.

All the sudden I turned around and there was Niall. I guess Stephanie told him I was on this flight.

"I knew it! I knew you'd be with him. I can't believe you Rebecca! To think I was even gonna give you the opportunity to explain yourself. I can clearly see what's going on here."

"No, Niall! It's not what it looks like! He came onto me just like he did last night. You have to believe me."

The seat belt light went off as it was time to land the plane. Niall stormed off to his seat. I sat back down in my seat, disappointed.

"See, look at the Rebecca, he would not even give you the time of day to explain yourself. Now I am going to be here for you 24/7 to listen to you and to hear you out whenever something happens. I can give you more than he can."

"LIAM. NO. Just go away. Can you leave me the hell alone for two freaking seconds!?"

The plane landed and before I could even reach Niall at the baggage claim he held Stephanie's arm and scurried away. I blew it already. I hadn't even landed in Ireland and he was already running away from me.

Liam followed behind me of course.

"Here, Rebecca let's just share a car and I'll drive you to your aunt's house alright? Just as friends. I won't push it..... yet." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Fine. Whatever." That was the only way to my aunt's house and I needed to get there fast. I sat up front and made him sit in the back. The car was silenced the entire time. I didn't want to hear a peep come out of him.

As I got up and out of the car I said my thank you and goodbye. I needed to stop breathing the same air as that jerk. I didn't know who he thought he was. I arrived at my aunt's house and it was empty. There was a note left saying, "Rebecca, hello darling! Make yourself at home. We are currently leaving for a vacation and won't be back for a few days. You have the house to yourself."

Thank goodness. I needed my space from everyone. I made myself comfortable and I attempted to call Niall. I knew he wasn't going to answer. It was worth a shot. It went right to his voicemail after about thirty seconds. I didn't even bother leaving him a voicemail.

I went upstairs unpacked my belongings and got in the shower. It was a long flight and I felt gross. I laid out myself a pair of yogas and a hoodie sweatshirt. I didn't even care if it matched and what not. As I finished up in the shower and got changed and slipped on my sweatshirt it smelt exactly like Niall. It dawned on me that I wore this the night Niall and I both woke up half naked. I quickly tore the sweatshirt off and put on a different one.

I walked down stairs and opened the refrigerator door to find something to eat. It was about 7:30 so I still had time to eat dinner. I decided to order take out.

It would be a half hour before my food would arrive. I grabbed the television remote and sat my lazy ass down on the couch. I turned on the T.V to watch, Entertainment Tonight.

It went through a run down for tonight's show. And the third story was on One Direction's bandmate's girlfriend, Rebecca Hamilton. Great, I was on the news. Yay. Glad to know they were already all up and in our business.

"Today we caught Niall Horan with his new girlfriend. Wait uh oh, that's not Rebecca! Is that Stephanie his ex? Where is Rebecca now and was the gala all a joke? Find out tonight on Entertainment Tonight."

Great, they were going to make up some bullshit story. A fake story probably making me out to be the bad one.

The doorbell rang and I assumed it was my food at the door. I opened the door to see a note on the ground. I picked it up and it was from Niall. The note said, "I want my stuff back. Don't bother attempt to see me. Leave it on the porch and I'll pick it up after you leave."

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