Chapter 43

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I sighed and rolled over actually cuddling up to my pillow as my so called "boyfriend" had suggested. It obviously wasn't the same, but it would sure do for the night. I wasn't taking Zayn's side, I just didn't want there to be any tension between the group or the boys. It wouldn't be good for them.

I attempted to fall asleep but it took me about an hour or so before I even could try to close my eyes. I had too much on my mind. I continued to toss and turn. I was praying I wouldn't wake Niall. Unfortunately, I did.

"Ugh, Bec. Stop moving. Some of us like to sleep." What the hell was with the attitude. Can you say man period?

"Okay Niall sorry I can't sleep because I feel like shit. Are you on your man period or something because quite frankly you're a lot more moody than I am when I'm on my period. Sheesh." I grabbed my pillow and reached for a blanket in the closet and headed downstairs to watch some t.v.

"Bec, c'mon don't-"

"Save it. Go back to bed and try and wake up less grouchy." I couldn't take him taking his anger out on me. I was fed up with it. I completely understand the predicament but I was only trying to help and he continued to push me further away.

I walked downstairs and grabbed the remote and plopped down on the couch. For the first time in a while I let a few tears flow down my cheeks. I was beyond stressed out. I opened up to twitter to see what was going on. All of the sudden I see trending, "One Direction 2013-2014 Tour".

What was this? I immediately clicked through to the trend to see what the fuss was about. One Direction had announced a tour for their upcoming album. It was a yearlong tour across the world. Wow. Yearlong, across the world and it started in 2 months and Niall had yet to even tell me. This was great, maybe this was why he was so moody.

Summer was going by extremely fast and like I mentioned before I did graduate high school. I had to figure out what was going on next in life. I couldn't just sit around and wait forever.

I wanted to get through the next couple weeks and the funeral smoothly. I opened up to Google and started looking at colleges. I had applied to a few earlier in the year and did get accepted to a few. And some of those schools were amazing. One school in particular was my dream school, UCLA back out in California. Katelyn and I always dreamed of going there together. I never did apply there because I figured with everything going on I wouldn't be going to college until the second semester.

I guess now with Niall going on a world tour I would be able to go sooner than I thought wouldn't I? I mean why should I let him hold me back from letting me go to college, right?

I knew Katelyn was still going to UCLA and I messaged her to tell her what my plan was. I told her that I couldn't stop myself from living out my dreams. I wasn't letting anyone hold me back. I asked if she was still in need of roommate in case I was still able to be excepted in. I still needed to apply.

I looked around all over the website to see if they had any late acceptance and they did. I printed out an application and my high school transcript.

I quickly filled it out making sure it showed off the best of my abilities and qualities. All of the sudden I heard banging from upstairs. Shit. I thought to myself. I had to hide the application to finish for later. I hid it in the cabinet.

I dashed from the kitchen and hopped over the couch back to where I was sitting on the couch and threw the blanket back over myself. I began to surf through the channels on the television.

Out of the corner of my eye I began to see Niall clench his hand to the bannister and walk down the stairs. Great. Here comes a fight. Yipee.




More silence and starring and the television.

"Rebecca I swear you better answer me or you will seriously regret it."

I sat that and smirked at the television screen not really caring at the moment.

"Okay then Miss Silent Treatment I guess you just asked for Mr. Tickle to come out and there's no going back."

My face went red. Oh God. This wasn't going to be good. He began attacking me with his hands and continuously tickling me and I began bursting out into laughter and couldn't contain it.

"Ahhhh now there's that laugh. See I knew I could get you to laugh."

"Ha ha ha. Very funny." I glared at him and bit my lip so I wouldn't talk.

"Look, I'm sorry I've been taking me anger out on ya. I don't mean to, I just have a lot on my mind. Just everything with me granddad and stuff with Zayn it's just been a lot. You have to understand that."

"Babe, I do understand that. You have to understand that I'm standing here right in front of you trying to help you and you push me away."

"I know, I'm sorry. I don't mean to. I won't again okay. Just come back to bed okay. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." He put out his hand and lead me towards the bedroom. Now did he forget to mention the fact that he was stressed about the tour too or was he planning on telling me later? Either way I'd soon have to tell him about my future plans.

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