Chapter 33

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We were a few hours into the flight and I had woken up to a sleeping Niall, a giggling Zayn and Katelyn and of course Harry and Louis were doing their own thing. Then all of the sudden I awkwardly locked eyes with Liam. Can you say awkward? I slid down into my seat to hide my self away from him cause I just didn't want to deal with him right at this moment in time.

I grabbed Niall's iPad out of his carry-on bag to listen to his music and check twitter because there was wifi on the plane. I quickly tweeted to let everyone know what was going on. I wanted to spread the word because all the prayers we could get can help.

As I plugged in my iPod and blasted Chris Brown's album Fortune, I saw Liam get up to go to the bathroom. I saw him glance over at me like he wanted my attention but I just completely ignored him. I was not in the mood for his games. The worst part was, I had to pee like a mother and there was a huge ass line. I would be holding it in or better yet, I'd rather wet myself.

"Oh my god!" I said to myself a little louder than I had wanted. This had woken Niall up.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep. You're gonna need all the sleep you can get."

Niall laid back down for about five more minutes for me to check my DMs on twitter to see that I had gotten one from Haley reading: "We need to meet up ASAP, there's something that you should know. It is not something I can tell you over twitter. - Haley xx" Great. I thought to myself. What in the world could it be now. I didn't want to think about anything bad. I knew it probably had to do with Stephanie but whatever it was I had to find out and right away.

Niall woke back up a few minutes later obviously not being able to sleep.

"Morning sleepy head." I said scruffing up his hair and kissing his cheek.

"Morning, or afternoon whatever time it is. Haha. Whatcha up to?"

"Just on twitter and listening to music," I told him as I adjusted the volume to my music so I could talk to him.

"Can I use the iPad to go on twitter quickly?"

"Yeah of course!"

I gave him the iPad and utilized this time to get up and go to the bathroom. I figured Liam would be back by now so I could peacefully pee.

As I got back to my seat I saw Niall smirking at the iPad and I saw that he was on twitter.

I nonchalantly asked, "Whatcha doing babe?"

"Just on twitter, why?" Niall said with attitude not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Just asking, jeeze."

"Well you don't need to know what exactly I'm doing."

"Whoa there, seriously calm down. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. God, asshole." I muttered the last part under my breath.

"Excuse me what?"

"Nothing, just calm down, I'm not fight with you. This is stupid I was just trying to make fricken small talk with you."

"No, you called me an asshole."

"You know what. Yes, because you blow everything out of proportion. So, when you realize you are wrong for overreacting at me asking a simple question, you can talk to me." I said as I plugged my headphones in and shut my eyes.

"Whatever." Niall shrugged his shoulders and looked out the plane window. Every now and again I would feel him looking at me. I hated that feeling. I always felt awkward. I would crack my eyes open every now and again to see him look away.

I opened my eyes back up and unlocked my phone to go onto twitter. I always resulted back to twitter when I was bored. I was scrolling through tweets some which were nice and others hateful, of course, I never minded them. I then got a DM. It was from Niall.

"Babe, please talk to meeeee:( I don't like when we fight - Nialler xx"

I couldn't help but sigh and just exit out of the DM and Niall then turned to me and said, "Oh hell no. you did not just ignore my DM."

"Yes, yes I did."

"You're not gonna make me do you know what are you?"

"You wouldn't dare..." Every time I gave Niall the silent treatment he would tickle me. He reached over and

continuously tickled me until I uncontrollably laughed.

"Niall! Stop it! I'm not kidding!"

"Nope! Uh uh! Not until you say it."

"I refuse to say it in a public place!"

"Fine I guess I'll have to -"


"Aww thanks babe!" He said kissing me nose.

"Sorry I acted so childish. I guess I just have a lot on my plate but I shouldn't be taking it out on you. You just wanted to talk that's all."

"It's okay Nialler. I guess I still love you. But you owe me...."

"Owe you what?"

"Oh you'll see." I said winking at him. The seatbelt light dinged for us to buckle up and prepare for landing.

Before we knew it we were back in the airport and bombarded with fans everywhere, although we had tried taking a secret exit, that didn't work out so well. I had received 3 texts from Haley saying that she had flown back out and now we had to meet tomorrow at 12:30 but how was I supposed to this short of notice?

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