Chapter 27

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After a long night for all of us we all slept in until about 11:00 a.m. This wasn't usual for us but for once we all deserved to have a lazy ass day. I smiled at Niall as he was still sound asleep next to me. I lifted the covers to get out of bed. I stretched my arms up to the sky and you could hear my back and shoulders crack. I went to the closet to slip on an outfit to head to the studio.

The nearby gym had studios open for use when there weren't any classes in session and I knew there weren't any classes in studio A until 3:00. I loved going to the studio to choreograph because part of me always wanted to be a professional dancer and I was never really supported by my family so I never really worked and pushed for it.

I slipped into a sports bra and a loose tank top and some baggy sweatpants. Granite I was a hip hop dancer not a ballerina so you usually wouldn't see me walking around in leotards. Anyways, I knew this was the perfect time to get away so I could give the boys their alone time together while they were actually here on break.

I left the boys this note:

Morning sleeping beauties,

Went off to the studio for a couple hours! There are leftovers in the fridge for lunch. When I get back I'll prepare something!

Have fun!

Rebecca xx(:

I grabbed my keys, my ipod and phone and headed out the door. I turned on the radio to hear Jason Derulo's, "Undefeated" this was definitely a good way to start the day. I of course was having my fun jamming out in the car until I finally arrived at the gym 15 minutes later.

I locked my car and got out my card to scan to be granted access to the studio. I put my bags down made sure my sneakers were comfy and plugged in my iPod. I warmed up quickly and began choreographing to Chris Brown's, "Turn Up The Music". Me, being part of Team Breezy of course had to pick one of his songs.

I got about 45 seconds into the song when all the sudden the music cut and I turned around to see nobody there. My heart sank a bit and I turned 360 to make sure no one was there.


"Holy shit! Zayn, my good God you scared the absolute crap out of me!"

"Sorry babe. I had to come to the studio to see what moves you were making. After last night I learned I could use a lesson or two. Care if I join?"

"Well I mean I guess I don't have a choice now do I?"

"Not if you wanna go back to four boys who just completely trashed the house and have to clean up."

"Oh God. Do I need to help them clean up, what did they do? I swear I can never get anything done without having to worry."

"Nothing, nothing. Don't worry. But Niall said he's gonna make it up to you. He told me to bring you this to change into and get ready here at the gym before going back to the house because he wants to take you out to dinner."

"Oh, alright. I guess that's fine." I said shrugging my shoulders, and taking the box putting it to the side.

I warmed Zayn up and I let him free-style for a bit before I bothered teaching him anything I wanted to see what dance moves he really had. I know he was always insecure about dancing and he probably wanted to learn more moves before the upcoming tour.

Zayn and I started to choreograph a duet to the song I had originally picked. I figured we could add a different twist if we both did it together and used each other to benefit ourselves. I used my phone's camera to record us just so we didn't forget anything. I would always choreograph a dance and forget it the next day.

Before we knew it, it was already 1:30 and Zayn told me I had to back by 2:30 and it would take me about an hour to get ready. Luckily, in the box Niall was sweet enough to put in my straightener and makeup, knowing I'd want to look my best.

I got ready as quickly as I could and left the gym looking like I had never worked out. I felt pretty confident with how I looked which usually never happened.

As I pulled into the driveway I saw all the cars were gone including Niall's. So did he forget about what he wanted to do or was I just late or something? I was not gonna call him until I walked inside to make sure they were all actually gone. All the lights were out and I tried ten times to gegt the switches to turn the lights on but nothing. I got really worried and dialed Niall's number.

I heard his ringtone start singing, "I'm falling to pieces," I walked around into the living room when I heard someone whisper,

"Shut that off! She's gonna hear us. 1-2-3."

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