Chapter 16

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I couldn't believe that I had woken up in Niall's arms. I figured he would've pushed me off immediately if I laid even a finger on him. I wasn't complaining. It felt good to be back to where I belonged. I didn't know whether or not I should wake up. Next thing I knew I looked up and his eyes were slightly opened trying to adjust to the sun beaming in from the window.

"Uhm, good morning..." he weirdly said as he tried to move me off of him. That was insulting or anything.

"Sorry. I must've moved last night while I was asleep. Don't worry now. My bad." I didn't think it was that big a deal but apparently to him it was

"Alright well I have a lot to do today. So I'm gonna shower and what not. You can help yourself to anything for breakfast. "

"Do you have to do Liam?" he said sarcastically. Jeeze. There really was no winning with this kid.

"FUNNY......" Yay. Another smart ass remark. I had my work cut out for me. I had no idea how I was going to get him back.

I showered quickly and got dressed. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun, grabbed my sunglasses and keys and headed for the door.

Niall was no where to be found so I figured he left. There were dishes in the sink from his breakfast. I was shocked he even stayed as long as he did. I locked the door behind me and unlocked my car. As I got in my car and adjusted the seat to my liking I look over and there is Liam sitting in the passenger seat.

"Holy shit! Liam! You scared the absolute shit out of me. What the hell are you doing?"

"Morning sunshine! You're looking beautiful as ever."

"Knock it off, Liam. I don't have time for this. What do you want?"

"Now that's a silly question! Clearly I want to take you out today. You're spending the day with me."

"No. No you will not be spending the day with me. I have a lot of errands to run."

"Alrighty then. I will just join you!"

"LIAM! No. Thank you anyway but I do not need your help. If you really want to help me win back Niall be my guest. "

"Oh... I... Uhm see...." Finally. He was getting the point. What happened between us meant absolutely nothing.

"Liam. I'm sorry. But what happened between us meant absolutely nothing. It was a complete mistake. I was drunk and so were you... I think."

"Fine. But Niall won't take you back. He hasn't talked about you once like he used to. He is done. You blew your chance. Now you can take the opportunity and be me."

"Get out, get out now please."

"Goodbye one way whore." There was that stupid name yet again. I guarantee all Niall has been saying about me, if anything, is that I'm a bitch and whore. That made me feel a little more hurt especially coming from Liam.

After Liam finally got out of the car, I backed out of the driveway and drove down the street to think of where I was going.

I had to find the baseball stadium. I ha a big surprise in mind for Niall. I was going to have the boys drag Niall to the game thinking he is going with them when in reality he'll be meeting me there. I wanted to meet with the people who ran the stadium to plan something after the game finished. I was going to have a little fun with Niall and try to make him laugh by playing a game of one on one. Yeah I know that's not a legitimate game but it always put on smile on his face when he saw me attempt to hit the ball. I had to get the boy to laugh some how.

An hour into the drive I finally arrived at the stadium and Zayn was there waiting for me. He was a big help. I really appreciated everything he did. He always supported me and Niall.

I took a deep breath before I got out of the car realizing everything had to go as planned. We were going to buy a box out for the game, which is a private area with seats area for food and all of that. Niall and I needed to be alone and have fun. This plan better work.

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