Chapter 39

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I rushed home as fast as I could and I still could not believe what I had just seen and heard. Was he the father? Obviously, right? They said they were going to make the

"perfect family". Yeah, okay. Good luck with that. Bad boy dad and a bitchy mom.

As I walked into the door Niall was in the kitchen on his laptop listening to music and scrolling through tweets.

"Morning babe, where have ya been?"

"Sorry! Made a quick run to Starbucks. I brought you coffee, a muffin and a scone."

"Oh yummy! Thanks sweety!" He came up to help me put the food and drinks down and started to eat and drink immediately. He was obviously hungry.

"So what do you wanna do today?"

"Well, I know Zayn wanted to do something, and possibly with the rest of the boys. Have a guys day ya know?"

"Oh okay, did you want me to leave you guys be?"

"Zayn was going to be here in an hour or so and then the rest are coming after so I mean you don't HAVE to leave but I think Zayn was hinting towards just guys."

"Oh, hmm. I see. Okay, I'll just go to the mall or something." Why was Zayn not wanting me in the house? Maybe he just hadn't texted me back because he was getting ready. I would just talk to him quickly before the rest of the boys got here.

"Are you sure? Here take my cred-"

"Babe, thanks, but no thanks. I have my own money. I am not mooching off of you. Sorry!"

**An Hour and A Half Later**

-Ding Dong-

"Babe, Zayn's here! Could you answer it? I'm finishing changing." I got up to grab the door. My perfect chance. There was no way he was escaping me.

"Hey Zayn. How are you?" I said hugging him and he hugged be back, but barely.


"Alrighty then," I said under my breath. Why was he acting so weird? Last night he was all, "I love you, you know that right?" I was onto Mr. Malik.

"Well Niall's finishing getting ready and stuff if you wanna come in the living room and talk or something?"

"You know what? Actually, I have to make a phone call before everyone gets here." Seriously. Damn it. Sneaky one he was.

"Okay, well do you think we could please discuss what I saw earlier?"

"Like I said, gotta make a phone call." This wasn't like Zayn at all. Something was not right at all, and I needed to figure it out.

"Niall, I'm gonna go now. I'll see you later!"

"Bye, babe. I'll text you later. Would you mind picking up dinner?" He shouted from upstairs then came around the corner and had a puppy dog face.

"Well I guess I don't have a choice now do I?"

"Thanks, I loooove you,"

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too Nialler." I headed out the door and walked into the garage and saw Liam on the phone. Must be talking to his new lover.

"Yeah, don't worry. She totally bought it mate. Yes especially when I did that." Then the other person spoke.

"No, no, it's fine. She already hates me enough. It's fine mate. Well figure this out okay? Bye Z." He said the last part extremely fast so I couldn't understand it. Then he hung up.

Why must I always walk into the most awkward conversations? I continued to walk to my car to make it look like I wasn't there at all.

"Oh, hey Bec." Liam nodded his head towards me and lightly smiled. Our relationship would never be the same. Never.

"Hey Li. How are you?"

"Good, good. Where ya off to?"

"The mall, letting you guys have a boys day."

"Well have fun. Happy shopping!" I got into my car and literally shouted. "Oh my god!" What the hell was his phone conversation about? She totally bought it, don't worry she already hates me? He definitely wasn't talking to his lover if it was a mate.

You know what I was going to the mall and enjoying myself and I'd get to the bottom of this later.

4 hours and $300 dollars later, I found myself exiting the mall and ready to pick the boys up dinner. I figured I'd just get them Chinese food to make it easiest.

I arrived back around 5:30 or so and walked into the front door and saw Liam and Zayn on their own talking and the rest were in the kitchen goofing off and being them usually selves.

I heard Zayn and Liam yell-whispering and going back and forth.

"Seriously! I think she heard me!"

"Oh hey Rebecca!" Zayn said making his eyes large towards Liam.

"Let me help you with all that stuff."

"Thanks Zayn. Can you just take the food into the kitchen. I grab the rest."

"Of course." Then Zayn mouthed something to Liam which I could not depict what it was.

That's when it hit me. I thought hard about it. Even though Liam said it quickly, did he say "Bye Z"? Oh my god! That's what he calls Zayn. Then he just said that he thought she heard. Now not only did Zayn know something still, Liam did too. And here I am, thinking Liam's the father but now I don't even know.

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