Chapter 1

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I walk along the middle lane of the plane trying to find my seat. 23A,23B,23C, Oh 24A, I sit down and start making myself comfortable. "I cant believe that I'm sitting here right now waiting for the plane to take off, I'm about to start a new chapter of my life that I never thought was going to happen". Its just about a year ago since I did this trip last time, I was seventeen years old and had mysteriously won a date with Conor Maynard, one of my then biggest idols. I went away for a week together with my family to spend some time in the UK and of course, meet Conor in real life, for a whole day. I remember how nervous I was, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it. But I did it, and if I wouldn't have done that I would not sit here today. On my way to London were I'm going to live from now on together with the man himself Conor Maynard.

I take up my phone and start texting Conor that I'm on the plane so he know when to pick me up at the airport. I look out through the small window to see that we have started moving, finally. As the plane takes off i start waving goodbye to my home country and wish myself a good luck.

I wake up as the wheels of the plane touch the ground. I'm in London, my new home, it's still dark outside so I cant get any first impressions but I know I'm going to love it.

As soon that I'm off the plane I start making my way to the baggage claim. I'm lucky and my bag is one of the first to arrive. When I got my bag is it time to walk to passport control and after that I'm going to see my lovely boyfriend. Right know the only thing i want is a warm hug and kiss from him.

I spot him quickly among the people waiting in the arrivals section. As I begin to run against him he sees me too, his face shines up as he opens up his arms to give me one of he's very special hugs. This is the moment I have waited for.

- Hi, gorgeous, Conor says as he pull me tight against his chest.

- I have missed you so much, I say looking into his blue eyes

- I have missed you more, he says and give me a kiss.

- You look tired, I say.

- Yeah, I went out with the boys last night, I'm quite hangover, he says.

I really want to say something about it but i can't make him angry with me now, instead I breath in the smell of his aftershave mixed with sweat and alcohol.

- Are you ready to go home?, Conor asks

- Yeah, lets go, I say releasing my arms from his waist.

Conor takes my bag and as I'm about to take his hand egen he puts his arm around my neck and pull me close.

Quickly a thought hits me, I'm soon going to meet Jack, Conors younger brother and Josh. They live together all three in a flat, and from now on I'm going to live there too, or until me and Conor find somewhere to live on our own.

Both Jack and Josh seem to be two really funny guys, or what I've seen over Youtube and what Conor have told me.

Just before Conor opens the door to the flat he tell me to be really quiet. " I want to scare them okey" I look up at him nodding. He's so cute and I can't believe that we are a thing.

As soon as Conor opens the door the smell of boys hit me. You can tell just by the smell that this flat is shared by boys.

Conor runs up to one of the closed doors, he open the door and jump on to the bed.

-Jack wake up you lazy shit, Conor screams as he starts throwing the duvet to the floor.

- Go away Conor, I'm hangover, says jack with a raspy voice

You can tell just by his voice that he had a little too much to drink last night

- So am I but you have to say hi to Anna, Conor says

- I'll do that later just let me sleep, says Jack as he start pulling the duvet up from the floor.

Me and Conor go and sit down in the living room. He pull me tight and soon enough we both fall asleep on the sofa.

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