Chapter 19

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Anna's P.O.V

I'm still a little upset from the panic attack I had a couple of hours ago. It was the first time it have happened when I'm on my own and it's scary enough when it happens when you are with someone. I rest my head on Conor's chest, he's topless and his familiar smell make me calm. Conor put his arm around my waist and I let him pull me close. I can hear his heart beating and feel his chest rise every time he breath in. He run his fingers over my back and I start to shiver. I do often think about how many of Conor's mayniacs dream about being me. I'm not a famous singer or a hot model, I'm just little old Anna from Sweden, a girl without any background. It's crazy how Conor could trust me, it happen way too often that people in this industry just form relationships because of fame and money.

- What are you thinking of, you little dreamer, Conor say and look into my eyes.

- Oh, nothing but you, I say and laugh a bit.

- Same, I think about nothing but you, he say and I feel all warm inside.

Conor's P.O.V

Anna is resting her head on my bare chest. I run my fingers over her back and think about how lucky I am. A lot of my friends do often ask me why I choosed Anna over all the other more famous girls out there, like when you're famous can you get almost who ever you want but it's probably not true love.

- What are you thinking about, you little dreamer, I say and look into her beutiful blue eyes.

- Oh, nothing but you, she say and laugh a little.

- Same, I think about nothing but you, I say and start playing with her hair.

Anna close her eyes and I notice how she relax her body. I feel a little stressed because I haven't done any work at all today and I'll have to go in to the studio tomorrow. I decide to wait until Anna is asleep and then do some work.  I know she won't be happy if I stay up but I'll have to.

The time is half past eleven and I move Anna's head from my chest to the pillow and step out of bed. The lights is still on in the living room so I assume that Jack and Josh still are up. I was right the tv is on and they're watching stranger things as usual.

- Oh you're still up, I thought you two were asleep, Jack say looking at me when I walk into the kitchen.

- I have some work to do, so I waited for Anna to fall asleep. I say and put on the coffee machine.

I take out a cup and place it on the work top, I don't usually drink coffee but if I want to stay awake tonight do I have to.  I take the cup and sit down at my desk, I turn down the brightness on the computer and put on my headphones. 

Six hours, four cups of coffee and a couple of chocolate bars later am I done, the sun have been up for about an hour and I have to be up and going in about two hours. I can already feel how tired i am going to be for the rest of the day. I take my hoodie and tracksuit bottoms off and go to bed. 

- Conor your alarm is going off, Anna say with a sleepy voice. I rub my eyes and yawn, its already time to wake up.

I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep, ignoring the annoying alarm.

- Turn it off Conor, it's eight in the morning, Anna say sounding a little irritated.

- Stop telling me what to do, I can take care of myself! I say with an angry voice.

I don't know why I did it, Anna haven't done anything wrong to me but it's too late now that I have said it.

- What's the matter Con, I haven't done anything wrong haven't I? She say sounding a bit concerned.

I ignore her and step out of bed, I don't want to make anything worse than it already is.

- Answer me Conor, you know this makes me anxious, she say and I have to try really hard not to say anything.

I take a towel and lock the bathroom door behind me. The hot water hit my body but it won't calm me down as it use to do. My heart is still beating hard in my chest and a lot of thoughts are running wild inside my head. Is it over? We have never argued before, and the first time is just so silly. What if she leaves me, I wouldn't be able to cope with it one more time. I step out of the shower and wrap the towel around my waist. I shiver as the water start drying and I feel a bit nauseous.

Anna's P.O.V

I can hear Conor turn on the shower in the bathroom. He haven't yelled at me before and I don't even know what I have done wrong. I know Conor, and he wouldn't be angry for something so small like the incident with the alarm. Things like this makes me anxious and I can feel my heart beat hard. I close my eyes and try to focus on my breathing. The door to the bathroom opens and I pretend to be asleep, I don't want to talk to him.

Conor's P.O.V

I come out from the bathroom and it seems like Anna is asleep. My heart start beating really hard again and I feel worried. "Why isn't she more sad then she seems to be?" I try to not think about it and put on some black tight jeans and a white t-shirt. I check myself in the mirror, I look like shit with my pale face and bags under my eyes. The fact is that I feel just as I look. My head I heavy and the nausea won't go away. The whole flat is quiet and everybody seems to be asleep. I take up my phone and make a tweet. 

Sometimes I wish there was a undo button in life. 

I feel bad after tweeting it but decide to not delete it, I put my phone in my pocket and grab my car keys from the work top. I take a last look around the hallway just to remember if i have forgot anything before I open the door and leave. 

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