Chapter 28

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I wake up when the wheels of the plane touch the ground. I'm freezing cold and the view outside the window doesn't make me warmer.

- Are you cold? Conor asks after spotting my quite crouched look.

I nod.

- Take this, Conor say and put his thick red jacket over me.

I drown in it and it's only half of my face left at the top.

As we walk off the plane the cold air hit me and I shiver from head to toe even though I have the warmest winter coat on. Jack, Joe and Conor are talking about clubs and when we need to leave the hotel and I'm not sure if I'm feeling to go out. Conor put his arm around me and pull me tight. Having him near makes me feel safe.

- I love you, Conor whispers in my ear.

I look up at him and spot his beautiful sparkling, blue eyes that just shines with happiness. His smile just shows how much he means it and I can't do anything but smiling back.

The time is almost half past two and we're all very hungry so we decide to take the taxi straight to a restaurant. We sit down around the table and order food. Conor, me and Joe are sat opposite Jack and Emily. I can tell that Jack is interested in her and he's always trying to make her laugh. The food tastes really good and whilst eating, a lot of interesting chats are brought up. Its funny to hear some of Jack's and Joe's storys and I realize that even though it feels like I've known the both of them forever is it a lot that I didn't knew. Conor has his arm around my shoulders whilst sipping on a beer. He has grown up a lot this year and I'm really proud of his journey so far. His success on YouTube is amazing and it's insane knowing he's about to release his second album in just a couple of months if everything goes to plan.

- I can't get over the fact you're turning twenty tomorrow, it feels like you turned nineteen yesterday, Conor say and look at me smiling.

- I know right, and the fact that I get to celebrate with you here in Sweden is literally amazing, I say thinking about last year.

Its incredible that things can change so much in just a year. This time last year I was sat alone in my flat probably skyping with Conor. He was probably apologizing for not being able to come and celebrate with me. I couldn't even imagine a year later I would sit in a restuarant together with my lovely boyfriend and my friends soon to turn twenty.

I look at Conor who's about to turn twenty-four this year. I should probably start planning his birthday party soon. To be honest though, I'm not going to be able to top this.

- What do you think guys, are we ready to leave, I want to take a shower and get my stuff together before tonight, Jack say looking at Conor.

- Yeah maybe we should get moving it's almost half past four, Conor say looking up from his phone.

- Shall I order a uber? Joe ask looking around the table.

- Sounds good, Jack say as he start walking over to the bar to pay.

I stand up and put my coat on.

- Come here, Conor say patting he's lap.

I sit down in his lap and he wrap his arms around me from behind.

- How are you feeling, gorgeous, Conor say resting his chin on my shoulder.

- Better, I say even though I don't actually know if I'm feeling any better.

- I was really worried for you earlier, Conor say hugging me harder.

- I was scared too, I don't think it have been that bad in years actually, I say realizing how lucky I am to have a boyfriend like Conor.

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