Chapter 27

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Conor's P.O.V

I wake up feeling very hot, I guess I still got a low fever and the fact that Josh have forced us to turn the heating up doesn't help me in this situation. It's today we're meant to be leaving for Sweden, Anna's turning twenty tomorrow and I'm really excited to go out for what feels like the first time in months even though it was just over a week since the last time. Our plane is leaving Heathrow around eight thirty and because the time is just over four thirty can't I see any reasons to go back to sleep. Why not take a shower and start the day like a normal person for once. I think to myself and step out of bed. A bit too fast do I realize and I can feel how light headed I get. I'm forced to sit down on the bedside again. I close my eyes and take some deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. For some reason does the feeling of nearly fainting really freak me out. Luckily it goes away quickly and I'm able to take my shower.

Anna's P.O.V

I wake up to the best alarm clock ever, Conor singing Marvins room in the shower. The time is just about five in the morning and we need to be leaving in about an hour. Our suitcases are ready in the hallway and for some reason did I and Conor decide to pack both of our clothes in one shared suitcase. We're like a married couple already. I think to myself and laugh a bit before I step out of bed. I put on some tracksuit bottoms and one of my own hoodies for once, last I put my hair up in a messy bun. I can't be bothered to do my makeup at this early in the morning, luckily my skin isn't that bad today. Conor come out from the bathroom. He's topless with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He's hot, really hot and I remember why I fancied him so much before I even met him.

- Is Jack up yet? Conor ask and pull me into a hug.

- Probably not, if I know him right is he the one to jump from the bed straight to the car without even changing clothes, I say and think of how lazy Jack is in the morning.

- I think you know him right, Conor say and his still wet hair leaves stains on my hoodie.

- Don't blame Jack you use to be exactly the same, you little lazy shit, I say and kiss him on the nose. 

- Not when we're going to Sweden, then I'm always excited, Conor say and I just laugh at the thought that that would be the case.

Conor put some clothes on and we're ready to go. I zip up my jacket and turn the lights off. Everybody seems a little bit off,  I guess its just because we're up way too early for especially Jack to even say a word, he just grunt in the morning. We decide to take Conor's car and pick up Joe on the way just because it's easier with all the bags.

We stop outside Joe's flat and as usual does he have he's vlogging camera out. He jump in the car and sit with me in the back. We're the two small people that always have to sit in the back.

- So guys, for you that didn't saw my new mainchannel video, this is Anna. And Conor who's this random girl in your car? Joe say and start filming Conor.

- Hi Joe's viewers, the random girl in the back is Anna my girlfriend since almost a year ago, Conor say and do a weird face for the camera.

- And this is Jack, Joe say and place the camera in front of him.

- You are so annoying, just let me sleep, Jack say and pull his hat down over his eyes.

Joe put his camera in his bag and adjust his seatbelt.

- Hi by the way, are you alright? Joe say and give me a hug.

- Yeah I'm fine and you? I say whilst hugging him.

- A bit tired but I'm good, Joe say and let go of me.

I plug in my headphones and rest my head against the window, thinking about life whilst Conor and Joe are talking about things only the two of them understand.

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