Chapter 30

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- Are you proud over me to know so much about you? Conor say and wrap his arms around me.

We're done filming and it went really well actually. We decided to film a who knows me best between Conor together with Joe and Emily with Jack. Just because Emily and Conor are the ones that have known me the longest.

- I'm really proud Con, I say and Conor give me a kiss on my forehead.

Conor pull me close as the others leave the room. He kiss the top of my head before he let go of me.

- I love you, Conor say and smile at me.

- I love you more, I say looking into he's sparkling eyes.

- Let's have a cuddle, Conor say and drag me with him to the bed.

We wrap up underneath the duvet hugging each other until Joe knocks on the door.

- Are you two ready to leave yet? Joe say from outside the room.

- Almost, can you wait a minute, Conor say and jump up to change his clothes.

I'm already done and stay in bed whilst Conor get ready.


- You're not even ready for what I've got planned for tonight guys, Conor say as we walk along the path holding hands.

- I hope it includes alcohol, Jack say and him and Joe start laughing.

- I'm sure there's alcohol for you two, Conor say and pull me close to him.

I'm really excited and keep saying that this is the best day ever. Conor have planned everything perfect to fit me and my anxiety and I haven't felt anxious once.

- We're here, Conor say and stop in front of a black door.

I read the lit up sign that's placed over the door.


- Oh Conor, this is amazing, I'm so excited, I say before we go inside.

A waiter guide us into a private karaoke room with sofas along the walls. It's anxiety proof and I can relax. I don't know why I was nervous, Conor know me and wouldn't plan anything that I wouldn't enjoy.

- Let's get drunk boys, Joe shout and shot a shot of vodka.

- Hell yeah, Jack say and do the same.

Conor skip the vodka and order a beer and some pizza instead. I love how he's more responsible when I'm with him. I know how he can be when he's out with the boys. It's happened plenty of times that he's woken up the morning after a night out, not being able to remember anything.

- Okay first song guys, what do you reckon, Conor say after he's started up the karaoke.

- Me and Ems vote for Conor singing "Can't say no", I say linking arms with Emily.

- That sounds perfect to me, Joe say as he lean back and take a sip on his drink.

- I knew this was going to turn into some kind of concert, Conor say and both me and Emily start laughing.

- I'll do it if Anna sing "Just in case" with me afterwards, Conor say and look at me.

Its my favorite song of he's and he know that I love singing it when I'm on my own.

- Oh god Con, but I'll do it for you, I say and laugh a bit.


We're having such a fun night, with singing and dancing until early in the morning.

- Okay guys, one more song before we have to leave, Conor say and stand up from the sofa.

- I know what you should do, you know the cover you did with Ebony Day years ago, when you sang "Next to you", I think you two should recreate it now, Emily say and look at me and Conor.

- Oh I love that cover, let's do it Con, I say and stand up from the sofa.

- Oh god, do you remember how we sang it, like which verses Ebony sang? Conor say and search up the song.

- Do you think I'm a fake fan, of course I do, I say and grab a Mic from the table.


"You've got that smile, that only heaven can make. I pray to god every day, to keep you forever"

I look at Conor as the song finishes, he meet my eyes and I get a tingling feeling inside of me. Conor put his arms around my waist and place his lips on mine. The kiss is passionate and Conor carefully bite my bottom lip.

- Okay guys, we're not here for a porn scene, Jack say and break the feeling between us.

- We can continue when we get back to the hotel gorgeous, Conor whisper in my ear before he let go of me.


I take off my clothes and wrap up under the duvet together with Conor. He pull me close and he's skin meet mine.

- How was your day gorgeous? Conor say stroking my arm.

- It's been the best day of my life, I say not even exaggerating.

- I've got one more thing for you, Conor say and turn around to grab something from the bedside table.

- You're spoiling me Con, I say when he hand me the black gift box.

- Its a love-bracelet, you screw it on and it will stay on forever or until you want it off, Conor say when I've opened the present.

- It's so pretty Con, I love it, I say and pick it up from the box.

It's in a nice rose gold with mine and Conors names together with the dates of our anniversary engraved on the inside. The 2:th of December 2015. A date that I'll always remember.

- I'm glad you liked it because I've got the exact same for myself so we can have matching ones , Conor say and give me a kiss on the forehead.

- I can't even describe how much I love you, I say after I've placed the bracelet on my bedside table.

- I love you even more, Conor whisper in my ear before we both drift off to sleep in each others arms.

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