Chapter 6

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We arrive at Joe's exactly six thirty and when he open the door is the song My house played from the speakers all around the house. The boys hug and jokes with each other. I feel a little bit left out but try to not think about it, its not strange that the mood is quite tense, we haven't met before. After some jokes made by Conor, of course, Conor is that person who always laugh at his own jokes. I remember watching him on Youtube thinking it was a cute thing and its even cuter in real life. I wake up from my dreams when Joe comes up to me to shake my hand, " Hi Anna, im joe, but that did you of course know, I hope" he says and he does even sound a little nervous. It was not what I expected of the joking, confident boy on Youtube. " Hi Joe, thanks for having me tonight, I hope we can get along, I say. When that's done is the ice broken between us and the party can start. When Conor have had alcohol is it like he become 18 again, loving life and doesn't care about anything this time though is I his most valuable thing and he wont let off of me for one minute. "I don't wanna lose you" he says kissing me on the forehead. I don't want to lose you either" I say to him as we sit down on Joe's sofa.

Me and Joe are the only ones not drinking and I'm glad for that because being alone with four drunk boys is not fun at all. Before its time for us to leave I help Joe to clean the flat a little. WE talk about everything and anything and I end up really getting along with this boy. Hes really kind and caring asking about how were getting home and if I want him to help us get home.

I order a uber and start picking up my things. The time is quarter to three in the morning and Im really tired.

-Are you ready to leave boys, I shout from the hallway.

-Yes, Conor says and put his arm around me.

He stinks of alcohol and I wish he would be able to see what I see, a sweaty boy with very curly hair and a stinking breath. I'm just glad that he is the sweet, shy boy when hes sober.

When we arrive home are everybody very quick to go to sleep. I end up not brushing my teeth and just go to sleep because i'm so tired. Tomorrow is not gonna be fun in this house I think to myself before I turn the lights of and snuggle up with Conor under the duvet.

The sun hits me in the face and I wake up looking around a little disoriented, then I realise that it is midday and the sun is shining through the thin curtains. The boys is still asleep of course but the sun make me feel better about what I have facing me this afternoon. I prepare myself with nurofen and bottles of water and go up to sit in the living room. I'm hungry and take some cereal with milk I eat it whilst looking at Britain got Talent without sound on the Tv. All I hope right know is that the boys can get some rest and wake up less hangover later in the evening. Its quite weird how fast things can change, last week sat I on my sofa at home aching for the time to go by faster so I could meet Conor, now am I here in a flat with three drunk boys, I have met my idols and live with some pretty famous people even though it doesn't feel like it, a lot of girls out in the world are dreaming about being me. I'm about to get famous.

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