Chapter 4

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When we arrive home are Jack and Josh still asleep. I guess they stayed up late last night as always. But me and Conor went to sleep unusually early so it hasn't need to be too late.  I start with the breakfast, some classic English breakfast with scrambled eggs, beans and sausages. No body of the boys are any good at cooking so I am the one who has to do it. 

- Conor can you please come and help me with the sausages, I say looking at him sitting on the sofa in the living room.

He is showing Jack a funny video on his phone and the both are laughing out loud. 

- I can help you, Josh says coming up from behind me. 

- Oh, thank you Josh, can you fry the sausages in that for me please, I say pointing at the pan.

- If you tell me exactly how to do it, he say and start laughing nervously. 

I tell Josh some simple things about how to fry sausages in a frying pan and start warming up the beans in a saucepan. 

- That's really good, Josh, I say looking at him turning the sausages. 

- Yeah, I think that i've got the hang of this know, he say sounding very proud of himself. 

Jack and Conor is still on the sofa and the food his nearly ready. " Jack and Conor can you two set the table", I say from the kitchen.

- Do we have to do it, Jack says sounding like he is a five year old boy.

I sigh, you can tell they're not used to cook their own food when they protest to set the table. This is the only problem I  see living with three boys, they're so immature and do sometimes act like three five year old. In some way is it always me that have to be the mother of the family. 

- Just do it, you two are so annoying sometimes, I say trying hard not to burn the eggs. 

It seems to have worked because the two boys stops watching their stupid videos and start doing something productive instead. Ten minutes later is the food served and we all sit down to eat. The time is only ten minutes past ten so its not too late even though i've been hungry since eight a'clock this morning. The food tastes really good and all the boys sit quietly around the table which is a good sign, they're liked the food. 

Conors  P.O.V 

The food tastes really good and I start feeling a little guilty for not helping Anna with cooking. It's always me and Jack who are the ones being immature and I know it tears on Annas nerves having to live hear with all of us boys. Tomorrow has to be different I say to myself I'll have to grow up now when we live together I don't want to loose her. My twitter is still going crazy about the thing I tweeted the other day and I'm starting to get a little worried about it. Soon the magazines are going to start writing about. I'll have to tell them in some way, maybe post a picture of us on instagram. Or even better, tell the Mayniacs when i'm on stage on Sunday. I'll do a cover of a song and tell them that's its aimed to my girlfriend, and then can Anna come out on stage and I can sing it to her. I hope Anna is with me on the plan though, she get quite insecure when its a lot of people around, but I think she can do it. 

- Are everybody free to film my video at five tonight, Jack says looking at me

- I don't think I have anything planned, says Josh checking the calendar on his phone.

- I'm always free fr a Jack Maynard video, Anna says looking at Jack smiling.

I love that smile and i'm glad that she and Jack get along so well. 

- Me too, I say starting to rearrange my hair, its always such a mess.

- I can do the dishes, I say and start stacking the plates on top of each other. 

Anna and Josh have already emptied the dishwasher so its easy to clear everything away. When im finished I go and make Anna company on the sofa, I want to snuggle up with her so bad, and this is a good opportunity to tell her about my plans for Sunday. I sit down and pull her close. 

Annas P.O.V 

I go and sit on the sofa when Conor is clearing up in the kitchen, I watch him from behind and study his every move. Jack and Josh have gone into London to do some shopping for a video Josh want to do, so its just me and Conor left in the flat. Perfect time to have a cuddle. Its like he can read my mind because a couple of minutes is Conor finished in the kitchen and come and pull me close to him. 

- Anna, you now my gig on Sunday, he say resting his chin on my head 

- Yeah, are you pumped, I say 

- Of course I am, but I want you to come with me, everybody else is going to be there and I need you to keep me grounded you know, he says 

I feel how I get cold inside, there's a reason I never went to any of Conors concerts before we became a couple. I get really anxious when i'm around a lot of people. I get like panic attacks 

- I don't know if i'm gonna be able to do it love, you know how I get around big crowds, I say hoping he understand and don't start trying to convince me to come.

- Yeah, and that's why you are gonna hang around backstage with Jack so you can keep me company before and after my show, what do you think, he say looking at me like a kid looks at candy. 

This just show how well he knows me, and I can tell just by Conors not to good descriptions that its gonna anxiety safe. 

- Okay lets do it, I say.

Conors eyes shines up and he hugs me so hard I can barely breath. 

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