Chapter 39

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Conor's P.O.V

"Come on Conor, pass the ball"

Joe shout from the other side of the muddy pitch. We're out playing football, all of the boys, me, Joe, Jack, Josh and Alex. I'm just about to kick the ball over to Joe when I slip and fall straight down in the mud. I manage to land on my right foot and I can feel my ankle crack under my weight. The others start laughing, checking their vlogging cameras to see if they manged to catch my clumsiness on film. I don't laugh though, the pain is excruciating and I struggle to not begin crying from it. No-one seems to notice it at first but then I see Jack looking at me concerned from the corner of the pitch whilst I struggle to stand up without putting too much weight on my injured ankle. He knows me too well not to realise when something's wrong. I limp over to an empty bench and I can see Jack following me closely behind.

"You're okay?"

I smile at him, nodding even though I'm certainly isn't.

"Yeah I just need some rest, give me a couple of minutes and I'll come back playing"

Jack still isn't totally convinced but he slowly nods his head up and down before turning around to join the others.

I feel faint as I try to get a closer look at my injured foot, it have already began swelling and I'm near tears as I think of the show I'm doing in Amsterdam tomorrow night, why am I always so clumsy. I consider to call Anna to ask for advice but she's at Zoe's for the whole day and I would ruin her day if I ring her now, this is something I need to handle on my own.


"Are you sure we shouldn't go to hospital to get it checked out?"

We'd dropped the others off and it was only me and Jack left in Jack's Mini which he'd brought with him when he went to Brighton last time.

Jack look at me concerned when I limp out of the car, gritting my teeth when I have to put weight on my right foot.

"Jack I promise you I'm okay"

I take my rucksack and begin walking over to the door when I just fall to the floor unable to stand up.

"Doesn't look like it Conor"

He pull me up and support me all the way up to my flat.

"I just need to rest it and Anna will be home soon so if it get worse she can drive me there"

Jack nods as I drop my bag on the hallway floor and jump on one leg into the living room to sit down on the sofa.


Anna's P.O.V

The car park is gloomy and grey as I park Conor's car at its usual spot, just next to the lift. The time is almost half past eight and I'm exhausted from driving the whole way back from Brighton. I've just sent a text to Zoë telling her that I'm safe at home and that everything went well when I lock the car and walk over to the lift with my rucksack thrown over one shoulder. Despite my tiredness am I so proud over myself for what I managed to do today, I never in a million years thought I would ever be able to do it.

The door to the flat is unlocked and I'm greeted by Conor's stuff when I walk in to the hallway. He's usually quite good with cleaning up but today was certainly different as it seems like he's just dumped his bag on the floor for me to trot on it.

"I'm home!"

I begin taking my shoes off whilst waiting on Conor to come and greet me with a hug and a kiss like he always does, but he never come. I walk through the door to the living room and spot him outstretched on the sofa, still in his sweaty workout clothes, he haven't even bothered to take his muddy shoes off.

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