Chapter 37

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"Are you sure about this?"

Conor stopped fiddling with his hair and looked over at me as I tried to focus the camera.

"Why so nervous, you're more used to be on camera than I am and you're acting like you're about to shit yourself, just calm down okay"

The camera was focused and I sat down beside Conor on the bed.

"What if they don't like me, or think I'm weird"

I sigh and roll my eyes at him.

"You literally think that, you know that seventy percent of the people watching this will be here for you, they love your crazy humour and personality"

I peck his lips before I get on with the video.

"Hello you lovely lot and welcome to yet another Sunday video. I'm here with a famous pop star also known as Conor Maynard or my boyfriend, whatever you want to call him. And as its the first time that Conor is on my channel alone did I think that we had to do the very requested boyfriend tag but with a twist, I'm going to be questioning Conor to see if he actually know me as well as he thinks he is. So shall we begin"

I take up my phone to find the questions.

"So Conor, when and where did we first meet?"

"Oh that's easy, I met you for the first time just outside Hyde Park for a celebrity date that you'd won, it was in August 2015, let me think about the date, it was either the fifth or the sixth"

"Correct, we met under quite strange conditions but were friends for a long time before we got together, next question"


I turn off the camera and take out my memory card. I like to edit my videos straight after I'm done filming which Jack often think is weird, he have never really understood the concept of doing the boring stuff first and then have fun.

"So you're just gonna ditch me now or what? I did so well so I should at least get a cuddle"

Conor look at me as I insert the memory card into my laptop. He poke his lip out and look really sad. We're home alone as Jack is on his usual Friday meetings and Josh is at Caspar's place.

"Come here then you weirdo, let's have a cuddle and I'll edit this later"

I place my laptop down on the floor as Conor shuffle up to my level at the top of the bed. Conor place his head in my lap and I begin playing with his hair.

"I've got a headache"

He close his eyes and snuggle closer to me.

"What do you expect when you go out on a Thursday, get drunk and come home late"

I probably sound a bit harsh but he knows I'm joking, he's allowed to have fun and I'm not going to stop him from going out with his friends even though I don't drink myself.

"It was fun but I know that I probably went a bit overboard on the drinks"

"Like usual then, when are you ever gonna learn where your boundaries go"

He chuckles softly and I lean down to kiss his forehead. I can feel the butterflies go crazy in my tummy as my lips touch his skin and even though I've done the same thing a million times before is it just as good every single time I do it.

We continue having chats about life and our careers now that Conor's left his label has a lot of things changed,  both good and bad. The media hasn't left him alone for weeks and he's turned from being semi famous to the topic everyone writes about. It must be hard having eyes on you twenty-four seven, he never know who he can trust anymore and I feel for him always having to worry about it.

"Anna can I ask you something?"

Conor look up at me seriously and I can feel my heart start racing.

"mm, go for it"

He clears his throat and begin fiddling with his hair.

"Have you ever wished you never met me, because I sometimes feel like I ruin your life when you have to go through all of this"

I sigh and shake my head.

"I understand where you're coming from but no, I have never thought about it that way, I sometimes wish that you weren't famous and that we could have some kind of normal relationship and stuff but you are the reason I still wake up every morning. I would never switch you out with anyone else"

"I maybe should turn it down a bit, we need to prioritise us, the most important thing is that we stay together okay, I don't want to go through a breakup again"

I stroke his cheek and look into his eyes.

"Conor, you're living your dream, you're career makes you happy and I want it to be that way, the way you are when you enters the stage to sing in front of thousands of people is amazing, it's the Conor I once fell in love with back in like 2012, I'm always going to be here and don't ever choose between the two things that you love"

I smile before I lean down to peck his lips.


Conor's P.O.V

I was tired, too tired to even be able to sleep. Anna has been asleep for hours and her calm breathing indicate that she's going to continue to. I never thought that leaving my label was going to be this tough and I'm fearing for mine and Anna's relationship even though she told me earlier not to worry about it. I can see that she get hurt by it sometimes and it breaks my heart having to choose between my two favourite things in the world, singing and my girlfriend. I thought being an unsigned artist would make the whole problem smaller and less complicated but it turned out to kinda make it worse, being in the headlights, always having to think twice about everything you tweet, say or do outside your closest friends and family make my life so much more difficult, which means that it affects everyone around me, especially Anna  who spend literally every hour of the day with me.

I sigh and roll over on my side, preparing myself for yet another sleepless night out of the countless others I've had lately. I usually use them to be productive and my latest tracks were actually written at this time of night.

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