Chapter 8

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I wake up feeling ill, my throat hurt and my body feels really tired. Good timing to get ill on the same day as Cons concert. I decide to just ignore it and pretend nothing is wrong. Conor is already up and going, days like this is his favorites. Just when I start thinking about him he shows up in the doorway.

- I tried to make you some romantic breakfast in bed but ended up with some cereal and milk, I hope you don't mind, Conor says and it makes me smile, he so cute. 

- Of course I don't mind, gorgeous, I say and give him a kiss. 

- I'm off to se my stylist for a couple of hours, I'll pick you up outside here at one so we can go for some lunch together just us two, He says and put the bowl with cereal on my bedside table. 

- Sounds like great plans to me, good luck with the style-in,  I say as he walks out of the room. 

- Great, see you outside then, He says before going down the stairs.

I'm just eating my cereal when Jack shows up in the doorway.

- Hi Jack, up bright and early today, how are you feeling? I say trying not to laugh at his bed hair.

- Not too good unfortunately, I feel really ill, He says sounding really poorly. 

- Oh, poor you, do you think you've got a fever? I say trying to work out what to do. 

- Not right now, but I can feel it coming, you know when you just feel weak and tired of everything, he says 

- Come and have some cuddles Jack, I'm sure Conor wont mind, I say and put my hand on the side beside me. 

One day it's Conor and the other day it's Jack, they're just milking me on my love. Jack come and lay down next to me and I start playing with his hair. 

- I can give you a massage if you want, I say trying to get him feel a little better. 

Jack roll over on his stomach and I start massaging his back, my mum used to do this when I felt poorly so why not try it on Jack. 

- You're so sweaty, are you sure you don't have a fever, I say maybe sounding a little too concerned. 

- I don't know anymore, one second I'm freezing and another i'm boiling, I guess that's the signs of a fever, isn't it? Jack says sounding really poorly. 

- I can tell, what are you gonna do to night, you cant go to the avenue feeling like this, I say stroking his hair from his face. 

- Ill have to fight through it, I promised Conor to be with you backstage and I can easily get some really bad migraine when i'm sick, I don't want to be home alone if that would happen, Jack says, he's so sweet and i'm glad that I wont be alone tonight even though I feel bad for Jack.  

- Okay, I'm gonna jump in the shower for a bit, but you can just lie there and relax, I say and take a towel with me into the bathroom. 

It feels really good when the warm water hits my body, the shower time is one of my most appreciated moments of the day, you get to be alone and get clean for nearly as long as you want. When I come out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me is Jack still laying on the bed topless. 

- Can I do something to make you feel better, Jack, I say whilst picking out some clothes. 

- Oh, sorry what did you say, I'm so hot I cant focus anymore, He says with a tired voice.

- Ill go and get some Advil and a wet towel for you, me and Con are going out for lunch for a couple of hours but you can just stay here and relax until we come and pick you up for the show if it's okay for you, I say and pick up the glass on Conor's bedside table to fill it with water for Jack. 

- Thank you so much, but I don't know if its good that i'm on my own if I would get worse, Jack says. This is hard because all of me just want to come out from this flat and hang around with Conor before his show but I cant leave Jack as this home alone, Ill have to figure it out in some way.  I decide to call Joe and ask if he can keep Jack company, he live just a couple of minutes away from here. 

- I'll get someone to look after you, and don't worry about tonight I can do it on my own if you don't feel better soon, I say and go to get the Advil and fill the glass with water in the bathroom. 

- You're so sweet Anna but what is Conor gonna say, He say 

-  I'll talk to him during our lunch, don't worry we'll figure it out, I say and give him the water so he can swallow the tablet. I put the wet towel on his forehead and tuck him in under the duvet. 

I go down to call Joe whilst I'm waiting on Conor to pull up down the road. 

- Hi Anna, are you good? Joe says 

- Hi, everything is good with me thanks but Jack isn't that well, we cant leave him all alone and I'll have to go and meet Conor at the avenue tonight you know, do you think you can keep him company? I say hoping that's he's free for the evening. 

- Of course you don't have to ask, I go over at this very moment, He says and I take a deep breath.

- Thank you Joe, you're the best, I say. Its amazing that i've just known him for less than a week and we feel so close already.

- Have a good night with Conor tonight and don't worry about Jack, Ill take care of him, he say 

- Bye Joe, I say when I see Conor pull up down the road. 

- Bye Anna, Joe says and end the call.

I put on my shoes and take my jacket from the hanger.

- Jack, I'm leaving now but Joe will be here any second, I shout from the hallway.

- Thank you, have a nice lunch, He says still sounding really ill. 

I open the door to Conor's black Mercedes, the fresh smell of new car hits me as I sit down on the passenger seat. As always is the music turned on, nearly as high as possible and the car is literally shaking from the bass. Conor turn the music down a bit as I close the door. 

- You look stunning, gorgeous, Conor says and look at me.

I give him a kiss.

- Thank you, I wasn't sure if we were going straight to the avenue after this so I decided to go all in for the lunch to be sure to look good for the evening, I say and put my seat belt on.

Conor start driving and I feel how exited I am for this.

- Where are you taking me? I ask looking out through the window

- You'll se when we get there, I'm not giving you any clues, Conor says teasingly

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