Chapter 3

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The volume on the Tv is pretty loud, I think they're  watching Stranger Things, a series that the boys have followed for a time and they are now on episode 7.  Due to Conors really bad headache we two are already in bed, even though the time is just over nine. Conors eyes are closed, the wrinkles on his forehead tells me that the headache hasn't gone away after the massage I gave him. I place my hand on his right cheek " I'll go and get some Advil for you, gorgeous" I say stroking my finger down his neck. I put my feet on the cold floor and begin my way to the bathroom. I open the bathroom cabinet over the sink and find out that the Advil isn't there.

- Here you have.

It makes me jump, and I turn around quickly to face Jack in the doorway. He throws me the Advil packet.

- I used it earlier, he says pointing at the packet 

- Oh, I understand, I say start pouring up some water into a cup. 

- Goodnight, Jack says and start making his way back to the living room. 

- Goodnight Jack, I say with a smile on my face.

Conor is sitting up in the bed when I enter the room. "Im so glad I have you" he says and take the tablet. I pass him the cup so he can swallow it. " Im glad to have you too" I say slipping down under the warm duvet. Conor pulls me close to him and i snuggle in, putting my face against his neck. Breathing in one of the most comforting smells in the world, the smell of my lovely boyfriend. I feel so safe laying here in Conors arms. " Its crazy how much you can love an other person" I think to myself. Our breathing slows down and soon are we both asleep. 

"tickle,tickle,tickle"is the first thing I hear when I wake up the next morning. Conors fingers runs over my body and I cant lay still. After some agonizing two minutes of tickling torture Conor pulls me into a hug. Im out of breath, but just looking into his blue eyes makes it impossible to be mad on him. 

- Feel better today, huh? I ask

- Yeah, a lot, thanks to you, gorgeous, Conor says hugging me harder.

"I guess he needs me as much as I need him." i think to myself whilst Conors arms are around me. 

- Anna, you know the tweet i posted last night, about how love can break you into someone you didnt know, Conor says with some concern in his voice.

-  Yeah, I loved it a lot, I say 

- The mayniacs are going crazy about it, they think we've broken up, Conor says. 

- Why, it's just a tweet and it doesnt say anything about our relationship, gorgeous, I say looking into his eyes. 

- They think my song, This is my version has something to do with the tweet, conor says pulling his hand through his hair. 

Fans are so fast to judge, just a tweet and they think that we've broken up. It can sometimes make me really mad because I can see how much shit Conor gets from his fans, even though they've helped him a lot on the way, can it easy get too much. You've got millions of eyes on you 24/7 all year around and you cant be your best every time. But in the deepest of Conors heart, I know he loves everyone of his mayniacs. 

- Let them think that then, both you and I know that that isn't the case, I say 

- And later or sooner they will find out, most of them are gonna see us two in Jacks video on Monday, I continue 

- You're so down to earth, and that just makes me love you even more, he says and relax his tensed muscles. 

Conor steps out of bed and I watch him study himself in the mirror, he sighs and start pulling his hands through his hair. He is always so insecure about his hair. " I'll go and take a shower and try sorting out this birds nest, that's on my head right now" he says 

- Okay, but you know I love when your hair is like that, I say smiling 

- Yeah, and you know I love it when you don't were any make-up, he answers cocky 

I sigh 

- Okay, go on then, I say picking up my phone from the bedside table. 

I start checking my social media to see what my friends at home are up to. Like always isn't there anything special. My friends are too boring sometimes. My stomach start rumbling and I realize that the fridge still is empty. 

- Conor, we have to go out and by some food for breakfast, I shout from the bed.

- Okay, can you wait five minutes so I can finish my masterpiece, he answers 

I laugh quietly for myself, he's so cute. I start putting some clothes on and pull my hair into a ponytail. Im ready to go but Conor is slow as always, he is still blow drying his hair. Ten minutes later are we ready to leave the flat. 

- Shall we go to Sainsbury's, Conor asks 

- I'll go where ever you wants to go, I say. Conor puts his arm around my waist and we start walking. 

When we arrive to the supermarket is Conor spotted by some fans. I take some money and go in on my own, it would take way to long time if we both stayed outside.  Eggs,bacon, beans, bread, sausages, vegetables, cereal, milk, fruit and some chocolate. I check off each item on the list and go to the checkout counter to pay. 

-38£ please, the cashier says

I hand her the money and start putting all the groceries into the bag. Conor is still outside taking pictures with some other girls and I go out to keep him company. 

- This is Anna, says Conor pointing at me.

- Hi, girls I say, trying hard not to sound too stressed about the situation.

Im not used to the fans yet, and find it quite hard talking to complete strangers. Conor spot my anxiety and say goodbye to the girls. 

- Shall we go home?, he asks pulling me tight 

- Sounds good, Im so hungry, I say

- Me too, and hopefully Jack and Josh too, he says. 

I hope you enjoying the story, I really enjoy writing it for you. :)

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