Chapter 41

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I pull my thin bomber tighter around my body as the cold air finds its way in underneath it. Conor had told me to dress warm bit I'd never expected it to be this cold. We'd had a couple of days with fairly good weather but the mornings were still quite chilly and  being stood outside waiting on my lazy boyfriend for far too long didn't make me less cold. 

"Okay let's go then"

Conor walk past me and over to the drivers side of his car. I jump in on the passenger side and pull my shoes off, sitting down with my legs underneath me.

The drive over to Jack's place doesn't take more than a few minutes and Conor park the car along side the pavement outside his block.

"I should probably text him, shouldn't I?"

I nod and Conor pull his phone out of his pocket as I lean back in the leather seat, watching some kids and their parents in the distance.

I'd just noticed that Conor hadn't said much this morning, it wasn't typical for him to be this quiet and I could sense that something was up.

"Is there something bothering you today Con?"

He look up at me from his phone for a second before he quickly look away to his right, beginning to stare out through the window.

"I got a text last night when we were at Jack's"

Still not giving me any eye contact does he begin to pull his fingers through his hair.

"And what?"

Conor sigh and tap the wheel.

"A label sent me an offer according them asking to sign me up for a contract"

I grab his hand from his lap and place it down on my thigh, his palm facing up, intertwining my fingers with his.

"And what did you say?"

"I haven't answered yet, I don't know, I mean I really want to accept it but it's just, never mind"

I look up at him sighing, drawing circles with my fingers on his palm.

"No tell me Conor, I want to know why you can't follow your heart this time"

Conor shrug back from my touch and I feel him suddenly seize up.

"It's in LA for at least three months"

I don't really know what to say, I know that he loves LA and that he's spent a lot of time in that city, working with different types of artists through out his career but that was before I fully met him, before we were a thing.

"I mean, we could make it work, I've always wanted to go to Los Angeles"

Conor avoid my eye contact and just look down at his feet.

"The thing is Ans, you're not allowed to come with me this time, the label's got some strict rules"

It hit me hard, knowing I'm hindering him from doing what he wants, to go to LA and record with a huge label could put him on the market and help him reach new milestones in what he's doing but would I be able to live without him for at least three months, I don't even want to think about it.

"Oh, I don't know Conor, if you really want it I think you should do it, I mean I've lived on my own before and it's only three months"

Conor look up at me and shakes his head.

"No Ans, it's not an option, I'm not leaving you here on your own, London can't be compared to Stockholm in any means, it's more dangerous now that you isn't unknown to the public eye anymore"

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