Chapter 12

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Jacks P.O.V

I wake up when its still dark outside, I check the time on my phone, 3.12am and way too early to start the day on a Monday. I'm all clammy and the sheets are all wet. The medicine has worn out and the fever is coming back. I sigh and decide to snapchat with my viewers, waiting for the morning to come. I open twitter and my feed is full of tweets to Conor about how good he was last night and I can see that Anna has retweeted her friend Emily's tweet about yesterdays show. Emily seems like a very nice girl and she sounded like she liked me when Anna last let me talk to her on Skype. She's probably a viewer but that don't have to make her to a desperate fan. But what would Anna think if I start dating her best friend and of course is Emily more interested in Conor, she was literally on one of his shows, I swear i'll never get a girlfriend. Its a very nice night windless and starry. The city lights make shadows on my white walls and I lay for hours just watching the traffic lights down the road shift from green to red, red to green every time someone walk over the street. I decide to tweet asking my viewers what to do when you cant sleep.

Feeling suckish and can't sleep. Any tips? 😖

People seem to be asleep and for a minute I'm sure that everybody hate me. Until I get I text from Josh.

Still awake? If so, come over and keep me company mate.

I put on a white T-shirt and as quiet as possible I start walking over to Josh.

Josh's P.O.V

I don't usually have trouble sleeping but this night is different. A lot of thoughts and a hot room doesn't help. As I lay there on my own wishing the time would go faster do I see that Jack have tweeted something. He's awake too and I text him to come over. A couple of minutes goes and suddenly the door's opened and Jacks face shows up in the crack of the door.

- How are you feeling mate? I ask but just by looking at him I can already tell he isn't feeling one hundred percent.

- Quite suckish, and you, why are you up? He ask and come and sit down on the empty side of the bed.

- Oh, just thoughts, you now about the future and stuff, I say and it's actually true I am thinking a lot about the future. I think a lot of Youtuber's do that, like am I going to have this job when I'm forty, probably not.

Jack is quiet, like if he's thinking of something to say. I open my phone and scroll through twitter for the hundred time this night, not much have happened since I last checked it, a couple of likes and some advertising, nothing else. I sigh, why has the time always have to go so slow when you are bored and go so fast when you do something fun.

- Oh, shit its Monday today, isn't it, Jack say and it made me jump.

- Eh, yeah, why so stressed?, I ask still trying to slow my breathing down.

- I haven't edited tonight's video yet, He say sounding a bit stressed.

- Don't worry about it, you have the whole day in front of you, silly, I say wondering why he seem so upset about it.

- Have you forgotten about the Capital Fm, tonight, I haven't got time to edit today, I'm screwed, Jack say and rest his head in his hands.

- Oh, shit you're in a bit of a situation then, but are you sure you're well enough for Capital though, I say thinking of last night.

- Of course I am, and its too late to back out now anyway, He say with an upset voice.

- Just tell the viewers you put the video up tomorrow instead, they'll understand if you say you've been ill, I say trying to make him feel a little better about himself.

- You don't understand Josh, I did that last week too, it can't become a thing that I always miss my uploading day, He say

- I'm just trying to help you mate, but it seems like you aren't willing to take any advice from me, I say and start to ignoring him, just to try to get him to say anything.

It start getting lighter outside and I haven't slept for more then a hour, this day is going to be tuff. Jack is lying beside me with his eyes shut, i'm not sure if he's sleeping but from the look of it is that the case. I shut my eyes but the adrenaline from mine and Jacks minor argument is still bothering me so I decide to just start the day a couple of hours earlier than normal. The time is 6.30 am, I listen to hear if Conor or Anna is up but they seem to still be asleep upstairs. The door to the bathroom creaks when I open it and the floor tiles feels cold under my bare feet. I put the shower on and take off my underpants and my T-shirt.

Jack's P.O.V

I pretend to be asleep as i'm not in the mood talking to Josh anymore. I don't actually know why I acted so bad against him, he was just trying to help, but I guess the lack of sleep make me a lot more irritated. I sigh, as always am I the one making everyone mad, i'm such a bad person. I feel really ill but I should not complain, me and Conor have to be leaving the flat half past eight and the time is nearly seven. Get your shit together Jack,  get your life going. "1,2,3" I count for myself and swing my legs off the edge of the bed. As I stand up I get really light headed and I have to bend down to let the blood come back to my head. Still a little dizzy I start making my way to my room to pick out some clothes, as usual do I pick some black ripped jeans, a white T-shirt and a hoodie on top. I place my clothes on the bed whilst waiting on Josh to get done in the shower. 

Conor's P.O.V 

My alarm goes off and the time is only 7.10 am, I stretch and yawn, its way too early for me to wake up. Today is the day of the month were me and Jack send live at Capital Fm for a couple of hours and before that do I have a planned interview regarding to my cover album. I look dreamily on Anna who's still asleep beside me, wishing it could be me. " Okay Conor lets do something productive of this Monday, shall we" I think to myself as I place my bare feet on the carpet.  

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