Chapter 13

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Conor's P.O.V

Me and Jack are sat in the back of the taxi on our way to my interview, Jack seem a little down but I've already asked if he's actually alright about three times already. I'm bored and as always do I take up snapchat and start playing with the different types of funny filters. I let the mayniacs know about the live sending at twelve a'clock so that everybody can go and listen. 

- How pumped from 1 to 10 are you for Capital, Jack? I ask and start filming him. He has his eyes closed and resting his head against the car window. 

- Let me be, i'm not in the mood, Conor, He say and push the phone away. 

One more sign that he isn't well but what can I do, he's 21 and should be able to look after himself. I look out through the window and see that we are almost there. 

Jack's P.O.V

The taxi stops outside a huge building in the middle of London. I take my laptop from the seat in between me and Conor and open the door. My head is aching and I feel a little light headed again as I stand up. " This was a bad idea, Jack" I think to my self trying to walk straight so that Conor won't notice. Conor's interview start in about 15 minutes and we sit down and wait in a lounge looking thing. Time to edit tonight's video so that it wont be late for the viewers. It's hard concentrating on the screen when you've got a headache and the quality isn't as good as it use to be. But it's probably just me that is going to notice the difference.   

Conor's P.O.V

-"Mr Conor Maynard, Caroline Lowell is ready for you"

I put my phone in my pocket and start walking over to the woman in the reception. She's looking at her computer screen and I don't think she notice my confusion.

- Excuse me, where is the interview gonna be? I ask looking at her.

- In the first room to the left, She says not sounding really nice. This is something I often have to deal with, persons who think I'm not working for my fame and my money. I sigh.

- Thank you, I say trying to be polite even though that is the last thing I would like to do.

The door is open and I knock carefully on the door frame, before walking in. The woman that's apparently is called Caroline stand up and walk over to meet me in the middle of the room. We shake hands and go to sit on the sofa. It's an filmed interview that's going up on the magazines website. The cameraman press record and Caroline start with her questions.

- Hello everyone, today i'm joined with the one and only Conor Maynard, Lovely to have you here Conor, She says and looks at me. 

- Lovely to be here, I say and make myself comfortable.

- So Conor, you released a cover album, how did this come about?

- Yes I did. As you all know have covers always been my thing, it was how I started off but when I got signed and started with my own songs did I also stop doing covers. Then did the gap between my first and second album become bigger than we thought and we decided to put up covers on a regular basis again.  A lot of them have got over ten million views so we decided to put the on a album and upload it to some music streaming sites, like Spotify for example. I say and as I talk I start remember things I almost had forgotten. 

- Whoa!

- Yeah, its amazing, I say thinking of what the next question could be, probably about "This is my version" . These interviews are always so similar and you can easy get tired of them. 

- So you've got an original song on your album called "This is my version" that seem quite dark to me, is it something that's actually have happened to you? 

I was right they'll always take it in the same order.

- It's correct, "this is my version" is a song that's dedicated to my ex, I say to keep it short. 

- Oh i'm sorry to bringing this up, but you and you're lovely girlfriend have broken up?

- It depends on which girlfriend you're talking about, I met Anna for almost a year ago now, the song is about the one before that, I say just to make it clear that it's not Anna i'm meaning. But it may all sound like i'm a real man whore. 

- Okay, tell me a little about this Anna, how did you two met?

- I'm sorry but I'll have to keep it short because I have to respect her privacy now that she's not here with me. She haven't choose me because of my fame and she is not interested in being stalked by a load of my fans, It's up to her when she wants to start her own following, I say trying to not have to talk too much. These small interviews aren't that funny and i'm just so tired. 

- Tell us all that you can, please Conor these love storys is just so requested.

- It's not that special, we met about a year ago and become two really close friends until it turned out to be more than a friendship about a month later, she helped me get up on my feet from my last relationship. She have actually written some of the lyrics in the song, I say and smile as I think about it. 

- Is she in the industry too?

- No, not at all, she's so close to a "normal" girlfriend you can get and that's why I love her so much, she's not even from the UK originally. I say remembering not to tell she comes from Sweden. 

- It is lovely to talk to you Conor, but I think our time has run out for this time. Hopefully can we get to meet this Anna anytime in the future and get to see her version of your career.

- Oh is it already time to go, that's really sad, but yeah I will have to go home and talk to her about, after my show yesterday are there a lot of people that's interested in her, i'm almost already forgotten, I say and laugh a little. But honestly i'm just glad that's its over. 

Jacks P.O.V 

Without knowing it had I fallen asleep on the sofa in the lounge. Conor came out and woke me up after his interview. 

- Jack, I know we had a early start this morning but you can't sleep here, people will start think you're out every night if they see you, He says and I look at him with a irritated face.

- Then i'll let them think that, i'm not skipping an opportunity to get some sleep, you know me Conor, I say and put my hood on. 

- Lets go and get some food on the way to Capital, im starving, Conor says and pull me up from the couch. 

I up take my laptop and i'm actually really hungry now that I think about food, i haven't eaten anything today. 

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