Chapter 44

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Yawning do I stretch out my stiff back and shift in my seat, crossing my legs as I let my focus back to the screen of my laptop where the video I had been trying to edit for a while, now torned up, still not even near to be finished.

It had been a long day so far, filming with Joe from early in the morning until lunch time and then this bloody editing that wasn't with me at all today.

"Oh fuck this!"

Jack slam his laptop shut and it makes me jump slightly. He rub his eyes and let out a big yawn, resting his head in his hands.

"You alright?"

I look over at him, relieved to have something else than the editing to worry about.

"Oh, just this fucking hay fever, it bloody annoys me"

Jack had been looking rough the whole day and he kept on complaining about his itchy eyes and runny nose, something I couldn't relate to as I didn't suffer myself.

"You look tired bubbs, maybe you should have a nap"

My eyes search his and he just shake his head slightly, before he grab his laptop and move over to the sofa.

I sigh and force myself back to the screen, Joe's and I's giggling filling my headphones. It had been a funny video to film and we both had been joking around a lot, making it a hell for me to somehow make it short enough for a main channel video.

"Can you shut up please!"

Surprised do I look over at him, my hand over my mouth to hold in a giggle I didn't even know I was making. Jack roll his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"I'm sorry, not my fault this video was bloody hilarious, stop being such a grumpy-head"

Once again do he shut his laptop, placing it down beside him on the sofa, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I just want it to be quiet but because of you do I know have a headache"

I shake my head and let my fingers back to the keyboard, ignoring Jack's disturbing attitude, instead do I just keep my mouth shut, letting Jack's complaints echo through the living room.


It was now almost dark outside and the sounds from Jack's light snoring was the only thing that could be heard. He'd fallen asleep a couple of hours ago and to be honest had it been quite nice not to be able to hear him complaining, the peacefulness making it easier for me to finish and upload the video.

I'd just started on dinner when Jack walk in to the kitchen. His hair is messy and he looks even worse than before he fell asleep, the gloss in his eyes that revealed that he wasn't feeling one hundred percent.

"What you making?"

It comes out like a whisper and I shake my head, continuing cut up the food that I'm cooking.

"Why didn't you just tell me you wasn't feeling good Jack?"

He sigh and sit back down on the sofa.

"I'm not ill, just allergies, they make you tired and feel like shit"

I roll my eyes at him before sitting down next to my stubborn friend.

"Do they give you a headache and a hoarse voice too or is that just a weird coincidence?"

He yawn and lie down on the sofa, closing his eyes as I stand up and walk back to the kitchen.

Instead of continuing with the cooking do I just grab a couple of paracetamol tablets and a glass of water.

I sit down beside Jack on the sofa and he grunts as I place my cold hand on his warm forehead.

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