Chapter 15

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Anna's P.O.V

I wake up the next morning feeling really happy about life, this Saturday is going to be one of the best in my life so far and I decide to skype Emily and tell her the good news. I'll have to be quiet though, Conor is still asleep beside me after a long night at the computer trying to finish of his second album. I grab my headphones and plug them into the Ipad. The time is only half eight but if I know Emily right is she going to pick up as soon as she can hear the ringtone. I was right and Emilys face shows up on the screen. 

-Hi Em, how are you doing, I say trying to start a conversation before telling her the big news.

- Anna, this must be really urgent or I'm never gonna talk to you again after this. I went out with the girls last night and ended up coming home at a little more drunk then before, you can just imagine how i'm feeling right now, She says and I feel a little bad for calling her this early. 

- It's not urgent but very exiting and I know you're going to love it, I say trying to keep it short so she can go back to bed.

- Just tell me, i'm not in the mood for this teasing right now, She say and rearrange the pillows so she can sit up. 

- Conor have arranged so we can go to Sweden for a couple of days this Saturday to celebrate my birthday, we're going to live on the Grand Hotel and all the boys are coming too, I say probably sounding very exited.

- Oh, That's so fun Anna, but I don't think i've got enough money right now, you know poor Uni student, she say sounding really sad. 

- Don't think about that, Conor told me he will pay for you too, so its just for you to pack your bags and find your passport, we're going to Sweden girl! I say probably a little too loud because Conor start grumble from the other side of the bed. 

- Anna its way too early to talk to someone at this time, especially when you know your boyfriend stayed up late last night, Conor say and turn to his side looking at me with tired eyes. 

- Conor is right Anna, I really need to sleep for a few hours to take all of this in, I'll call you back in a couple of hours, She says 

- Okay, bye see you soon, I say and end the call. 

I put the Ipad down on the bedside table and i'm just about to step out of bed when Conor grabs my waist and pull me back down on the bed. 

- You're not getting away with it that easy, love, He say and hold on to me. 

I turn around so I can see his face and put my arms around him. His skin feels so soft and his body is really warm. I lay my head down on his bare chest and he give me a kiss on the forehead. 

- Anna i've got a bit of a problem right now, Conor says and I lift my head up looking him in the eyes. 

- Eh, okay, tell me Con, I say feeling a bit scared.

- My maneger called me yesterday and said that I have to write and record a song and it shall be ready for this weekend, I haven't even started yet, I was up until four this morning and I haven't written a line, Anna i'm so stressed I don't know what to do.He say sounding really upset.

- Con calm down, I thought a little about the singing thing you said you wanted to do with me, you know yesterday, what about we record and write a song together for your album and if I don't feel like recording it have I eventually helped you with the writing at least, I say and try picture myself in studio recording a song for Conor's second album. 

Conor is quiet, he's probably thinking i'm really lame, what was I thinking, me on Conor's album, that's never gonna happen. It's not that i'm bad or anything, i'm decent at singing but i'm just not good enough. 

- It's like you have read my mind, this was exactly what I was thinking about last night at, I do actually have a started song that I wrote for you a couple of months ago a lonely night in my hotel room in Birmingham. He say and start to looking through his notes on his phone to find it. 

- Let's do it then, we have to finish off this song, I say wondering how this just came about.

- Here it is, it's called "Thinking about you", the chorus is done already so all we have to do is write three verses, one for you, one for me and one for the both of us to sing like a duet, He say sounding really exited.

- Okay let me hear the chorus so I know how to think about the verses, I say and Conor start reading it out loud. 

 Conor is done reading and im speechless, its so beautiful and just the fact that he wrote it for me makes it even more special. 

- It's beautiful Con, and you wrote it for me? I say just to clarify.

- Yeah, but I couldn't finish it because I had to do the show, He say and I can feel how my love for him grow bigger even though I didn't thought that was possible.   

- How about we write it like we are in two different places and we're thinking of each other, you know the Charlie Puth song We don't talk anymore. I say and imagine how good it would be.

- Yeah, we'll have to think about how to sing it too. He say as he's reading the chorus quiet for himself.

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