7- Sung yeol got a trouble

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yun san was walking very fast jer face like blowing fire.

"yaaa...!! yun san..kachchigaa....!!" junsu exclaimed.

" mwoyaa...!! what happened to her..??" eun soo asked curiously.

"mhhh..i don't know...she looks like that she is gonna break someone's neck.." jun su replied.

**at the class**

sungyeol and song jong were doing their home works.
"yaaa!!...you two..!!you should pay your attention to studies.." sung kyu was advising at them.

"aahhh!! hyung...shut up your mouth..you are disturbing us.." song jong screamed.

"omooo..yun sanahh...good morning..!! " sungkyu greeted at her with his usual smile
but he didn't get a reply from her.

" yaaaaahhh... nohhh!!! Hiw do you think about me?? Who do u who u are??? " yun san snaped at sungyeol..her whole body was shaking from anger..her like redden tomato.

sungyeol lifted his head

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sungyeol lifted his head.

"me???" he asked while pointing his index at his own.

" Pray your apologize " yun san yelled as others focused to them.

" why?? For what?? " sung yeol asked.
"hah!! don't you know??yaaa.....apologize from me..just now.."

yun san was yelling at him as he ignored everything she said.

" hyung..!! what happened?? " song jong asked.

"nothing..!! " syeol replied.

" want you die?? say me sorry.." yun san was full of angery with sungyeol to kill him.

eun soo,jun su and sae rin came to class..

"what happened yun san..why are you yelling him?? " eun soo asked.
"Ask him to apologize from me.." without give her an answer she kept curse at him.

" yaa lee sungyeol..say something..." sungkyu asked and tapped on his shoulders.

" ..nothing..!! i don't want pray you apologize...i didn't do anything wrong... i just did that what i felt as better..."

" what??what did u do?? why is she yelling like this?? " sung kyu asked gain ans again.

" Ani..don't... don't tell him..i will kill you.." yun san yelled while trying to block him from talking.

"hey guys..!! what's going on??" L entered to the class. "mhhmhhhh..something has happened between these two stupids..." sungkyu said teasefuly.

" wae?? what?? " L asked.

"ani...i didn't do anything.... i just kissed her..." sungyeol said easily and so calmly. But it could make others goosebumps and gave them widen eyes.

" whattt..????? " all of them yelled at once.

????? " all of them yelled at once

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"yaaa..!!! lee sung yeol..are you crazy?? what are you talking about?? " sungkyu yelled.

" Hyeong ....he likes her a lot..he said that once ..." dong woo added.

"yaa jang dong woo..did he lose his mind?? "sungkyu asked while laughing.

" Whatt?? you kissed her.." L burst out from laugh holding his tummy.

you san frowned and ran out holding her embracing face..

" do you happy now?? " dong woo asked from L who was still busy with laughing.

"however you have to apologize..". eun soo said.

" this is not fair... it has been only one day since we attended to this sschool..how did you..?? ahh....how can u play with her like this..?? " eun soo said so angrily.

"Hah...boys think that girls are toys whom they can play....what's this hella out?? you idiot.." saying that sea rin kicked to sungyeol and ran to out side for follow yun san.

"awchh.....yaa what happend to her at this time?? " syeol asked while holding his leg.

" ahh..!! why does she always like this?? "

"don't mind..it's her usual behave ...you will come to know ..." jun su said.

"oppa..!! Look at them..you said that i'm the trouble in here..can't u see them?? they are the biggest trouble..." yi sull held L's hand saying that..

"aishhh...go away..i'm not your oppa..i'm same as your age.. " L exclaimed while pulling her away.

jun su,song jong and sung kyu started to laugh while watching L's arrogant and nervous baby face.


[ Edited ]

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