TT Lets break up (part 2 )TT

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**combine with previous chapter "lets break up part 1" **

myungsoo was talking along without any stop! 

" you now jagi?? ahh!! no no!! eunsoo..i have kissed you in lots of times. but that night was a special night..i think it was very long night! " eunsoo disturbed to his talk because she hadn't mind to hear that wards of myungsoo.

"kim myung soo...i'm begging you! please stop this..because my feelings are never changed although i hear your stupid speak..." she turned back to go out side but myungsoo started his words again..

"it's ok...i have bathed with a thank should go to you..." she said.

"yaaaaa kim myungsoo..stop do you think that what are you talking about??" sunggyu yelled at him. 

"aaa..why all should come to know about out love story..." L said.

eunsoo was dumbfounded after heard his voice again. actually she was horrified for his last words! because that wasn't happened like he said. ( if you read the whole of previous chapters, you could know about that)  she automatically turned to myungsoo...others were flabbergasted because of what he said.

"yaaa kim have crossed the line...." she replied. 

myungsoo gave her a smile to tease her.

"oh really..but dear i have already seen your naked body how y......" his voice was stopped by eunsoo...because she slapped to him..tears were falling down on her face...after that she ran out.. myungsoo kept quiet! hoya came near by him. 

"are you happy now?? after you ruined her privacy and her honest?? and made her shy?? hahh..i thought that you  really loved  her..but i was wrong! because if you love never do something like that...i don't care what did you said or what will you say..because i love her..and you have showed us that you don't love her just you had used her as a toy! "

after said it..hoya had gone out. myungsoo just looking like who has frozen. 

woohyun arose his voice.

"i never though that i have a friend like you!! how can you keep quiet after what did you say??" wh said.

"yahh..i totally agree with him. its not well. she is a girls. you made her shy and cry! " yunsan said.

" can't say privet things like's not fair. " sunggyu exclaimed.  

L knelt on the floor and cried. the cry was hide my him was start. 

"hyung...!! i thought after i said like that she will changed. that's why said reasons like that..i can't let her go.  sunggyu hyung!! do something please!! i can't stop my tears without her. i can't breath without her. she is my everything! he was crying a lot. his cheeks were reddish and eyes also changed. 

"yahh's not fair...please be strong!!  stand you..stand up..." gyu helped to him to get up..but he didn't stop his cry...


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lets break up chapters are guys hope you like it although it is  kind of short story! comment and vote please!! have a nice day!!

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