24- Exam results

109 12 6

"OK class, sit down" the teacher attended to the class....so are you ready to get your results??" teacher asked.

"neehh!!" students replied.

"hmmmmm..lets see" the teacher looked at to the result sheets.

"3rd place....kim sunggyu" teacher exclaimed. 

"what?? all of students start to whispered with each others.

sunggyu took his result sheet,

"shuuuh..!! can't believe this, how it could be 3rd place?? huh i never got 3rd place before" he said to him self.

"why?? you done well hyung!! chukkahae!!" i never got 3rd place" eunsoo said.

"yaaahhh!! are you kidding me?? i never got 3rd place, it's always 2nd" sunggyu screamed.

"what??" eunsoo scared.

"you know?? i can get 1st place, if this bumpkin not at our school" sunggyu stared at L.

eunsoo looked out quickly because of shy. 

"ahhh!! damn!!" she whispered. 

"teacher..then who is the 2nd place??"yi sull asked.

"don't mind about others places" teacher said.

"2nd place.....it's kim myungsoo" teacher gave him his result sheet.

"neehhh" L took it.

"what the heck is this?? who is the 1st one??" sunggyu exclaimed.

"well done dear!! 1st place....choi yun san"  teacher gave her result sheet.

"neeehh!! kamsammeedaa!!" yunsan replied.

"well!! others can check yours on the notice board." students ran out to  have their results.

"OMG...OMG..they swept the whole result sheet..fighting infinite!!" girls screaming.

"L oppa...don't care about her, you are the best of woollim high school" yi sull hold his hands.

"yaaa..stay away from me" L pulled her away,

"choi yun san...chukkahaee!!" it's L

"shhhhh..chincha??" she asked.

"yepp...! but how ever, this is the first and last time of your dream to be the 1st of the clas, it was a little busy with my works. i never let you again to be 1st of the class" L said.

"OK!! lets see..who is the best." yun san replied.

"yaa..look at my result sheet..it's 99.98% average" L said.

"hah..you can't get 100% looks mine, it's 99.99% points, let it go. i never give you my place" yun san teased at L.

"guys...stop arguing..i think it will going to cross the line. just stop it" it's eunsoo. 

"can you advice me while  you are in a situation like this??" yun san yelled at her.

"what?? what situation??" L asked.

"did you see your place??" yunsan asked.

but eunsoo just quiet.

"see..you didn't see it yet..pabuu"yun san teased.

"yaaa!! didn't you??" L asked.

"no..i don't want to see it" eunsoo ran out. 

"aishhh!! bumpkin" L yelled at her.

"aishhh!! bumpkin" L yelled at her

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"yaaa choi junsu..stop"song jong exclaimed at junsu

"ara..ara..i'm the 45th one" she said.

"chicha??? it's all right baby, surprise..i'm the 49th one" song jong giggled.

"chinchaa?? chukkahae jongnieee" junsu screamed.

"aishhhh!! this two block heads"" dongwoo teased at them.

"hah...how about you..?? don't put your nose to others works" songjong stared.

"see the noticeboard. make sure i'm better than you two idiots" dong woo replied.

                                                      2016 1st term test 

                                                             class- 2-3

1- Choi yun san

2-Kim myung soo

3-Kim sung gyu

4-Kang yi sul


6-Lee ho won


8- Lee sung yeol


10- Nam woo hyun


11- Jang dong woo


15- Yoon eun soo


45- Choi jun su


49- Lee song jong

50- Park sae rin


[ Edited ]

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