TT Lets break up (part 1) TT

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**after the seen of 1st chapter "war is begging" ***

while sae rin and eunsoo were talking, someone opened the door. it's L. 

"yeah...what did i say you??" L screamed to eunsoo.

"what?" she asked.

"bohh??? yaa i told you come after me" L screamed again.

"why?? for what??" eun soo asked carelessly.

"have you lost your mind?? don't you remember what happened just now??" L came close to her and grabbed her from her wist.

"ani..why?? what happened?? was it something interesting??"" she smiled and asked while grabbing her hand back. 

L just looking along her. because he can't understand what is she talking about.

"sae rin ahh....can you give us few minutes??" L asked kindly.

" excuse me guys" she went out.

after she went out L suddenly hugged eunsoo.

"jagiyaa...are you Ok?? i will kill that jerk" he told.

"yaa kim myungsooo" eunsoo pulled him away and bind her hands together.

"jaagiyaa..." L said.

"yaa,,kim myungsooo..have you lost your mind?? i told you never touch me in the school..why do you always do what i prohibited you??" eunsoo yelled to him.

"aniya...i thought you had afraid of what happened before.." L said,

"afraid?? ( she giggled) are you crazy?? afraid?? for what??" she asked.

" i'm talking what you had faced before....i mean hoya...." L said.

"aaaahh..that time..afraid?? why i want get afraid of him?? he is you friend and i also know him very well...ohhh....not that matter...why did you hit to him??" eunsoo asked.

L excited. he glanced at her.

"yahh..what are you talking about?? i wonder why i stopped it giving him just a shot" L screamed.

"apologize him" eunsoo said.

"what?? is it correct what i heard just now??" L solemn at her.

"yep.... apologize him...say him sorry!! his handsome face was injured because of you"

"yahhh...eunsoo...what are you talking about? why me?? he is the one who need apologize from you and me" L screamed.

"why?? for what?? what has he done for you or me??" she questioned.

"don't you know?? he tough my girl. he was trying to kiss that enough for the reason why he need to apologize from me ??" he yelled took on his hand on her shoulders.

but eunsoo suddenly pull his hand and put few steps back ward.

"i don't need your reasons... how ever you must apologized him..otherwise never meet me again..and don't follow me...that's all" she turned back and went out while closing the door making big noise.

actually L was disappointment by her damn words. he sat down in the bed. tears were running down on his face. he couldn't understand about what just eunsoo said, because he is the one who did everything as her words. he suddenly stood up and waled out to find hoya..actually now he is looking like a crazier. he met dongwoo..

"hyung...did you see hoya??" he asked.

"aniyaaa" dw replied.

"don't lie...tell me..where is that jerk??" yelled like a crazier.

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