16- We are back

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"where is L???" sungkyu exclaimed.

"here i am.." L waved his hands. "yahh..where were you?? it's too late.." sungkyu said in his usual angry tone.

" i just got some minuets to fix my hair" he replied.

"woahh..!! some minutes?? it's already 30 minutes..." sungkyu yelled.

"huh..!! however lets go to school..." sungkyu pulled him toward.

**at school**

Eun soo was het out her books from her locker. she felt that someone hand placed on her shoulders. she suddenly turned back.

"you...???" she asked. "anyeong...!! yoon eun soo" L waved his hands.

"nehh anyeong.." she replied. "where is others??" she asked.

"mmmmmhhh..may be already they had gone to the class" he said.

"how about you??why are you here??" she asked.

"i came here to get my books in the locker" he showed his locker left side of her locker.

"ohh..OK..i wanna go now..anyeong" she suddenly walk out.

"mwoya...!!" L shocked.

"kim myung soo" someone's called his name. it was a boy who was smiling at him.

"who are u ??" L asked.

"someone" he said.

" so..you are the boy that girls call L oppa.." he smirked. L just stared  him curiously.

" not bad..you look so handsome as i thought" he said.

"what did you mean? i don't understand"

the boy nodded. "yeahh.." you will be able to know who i am" the boy walked out.

"hah..who is that jerk??" L asked him self.

he came to the class. girls gather around him screaming "L oppa..L oppa"

"excuse me" he ignored them and came inside.

"where were you??" hoya asked. L just showed them a book.

"so...how are you yunsan??" he asked. "i'm fine" she smiled.

"where is others??" he asked. "mhh..me too looking for them" she said.

"aishhh..little panda..where are you??" sungkyu was screaming.

"sungkyu hyung...." it's saerin..she ran to sungkyu. "baby panda.." he hugged her. "i missed you soo much hyung,," she said. " nadoo" sungkyu replied.

"ughh..i think we have another couple here..." woohyun smirked. "aishh..this jerk" sungkyu yelled.

"you too...dark ghost ..misssed you guys" saerin hugged woo hyun making him stuck in the position "yahh..come here...she is mine" sungkyu pulled her to him playfully.

all of them hugged each others as they giving them a little welcome party.

"jun suyaa..." song jong gave her a huge hug. sungyeol wad just looking at yun san. "yahh..look out you crackpot... don't try to hug me." she exclaimed.

eun soo just shook hand with L. "nice to see you again my teacher" she smiled.

"aahh..really..i have to teach you..now we can start your studies.." L winked.


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