❤️ Bonus chapter - SOO family

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Hi hi, i missed you all here, Ok!! I'm editing the story and here a little gift from your crazy author...enjoy my lovelys


** 5 years later **

" Eomma......Eommaa ...where are you??? " It was a little kid with his primary school suit..

" Eoo my darling ...." Eunsoo hugged her little son and kissed his forehead asking about his hurly burly situation.

" Eommaa ...it's a big news...I wanna tell u that before appa come here..." he said while panting and looking here and there whether Myungsoo coming or not..

" What's that darling " she held his little pinky hands interesting about what is he gonna says..

" Eomma...I saw..* panting * A girl kissed appa..."

" Whaattt???? " Eunsoo half yelled hearing that..

" Hyunsoo ahh...Are seriously ?? Not lieing ...Right ?? " Eunsoo asked in a confusion as Hyunsoo nodded..

" When did u see that?? " Eunsoo questioned asking more..

" Eommaa ...I saw that when i was waiting for Appa to pick me up from te school.."

" Jinja...Hyunsoo ahhh...who is...." when Eunsoo about to ask that, she heard hard steps of myungsoo and he was sending dead glares at Hyunsoo his little son who was about to speak up again.

" Yahhh...Kim Hyunsoo ...You're gonna die today..." He ran to his son and held him up playfuly..

" Appa....put me downn..." hyunsoo screamed.

" Before that tell me, what was you telling to eomma ?? "

" Nothing " he replied ..

" Hyunsoo ahh..When did u become a little liar....Appa is gonna punish u..." .

" Ok...I was telling about that girl ...i saw she kissed your cheeks.. saying that she likes you ...! " he stuck tongue out at his father..

" Ohh my little ..."

" Kim Myungsoo ...You're cheating on me...." saying that Eunsoo grabbed Hyunsoo to her and put him down while sending Myungsoo dead glares..

" Yes I'm ...." He said playfully as Eunsoo's expressions become dark amd clenched her hands..

" But Eommaa ...she is..." Myungsoo Covered Hyunsoo's mouth making him stop from talking.

" What hyunsoo ??? Who is she?? Whoever i'm gonna kill her and your Cheating Appa too..." Eunsoo blew fire at myungsoo who was sending teasefuly at his wife..

" Eomma..." Again he tried to speak up but myungsoo bended down and said something secretly at Hyunsoo as Eunsoo couldn't hear it. " I will make that girl  like you forever Hyunsoo ahh...Shut up and keep watching your eomm's jealousy face "

" Ok Appa..Saranghae ..." he kissed his temple saying that..

" woahh...you two...Kim Hyunsoo , you just act like you want me to divorce with your appa and now...saying him love you..." Eunsoo crossed her arms saying that..

" Eomma....I'm hungry ..." Hyunsoo said that avoiding her question. Myungsoo chuckled while watching his son..how much smart he is..such as him..

" Go..and ask that girl who kissed your appa to cook for you...i'm not doing anything for you idiots son and dad..." saying that Eunsoo stepped to kitchen quickly..

" Appa...high five " saying that hyunsoo high five with his dad and both of them began to laugh.

Eunsoo was blowing fire of anger ...she knew that they are playing a prank on her...but she really wanted to know who is that girl who kissed her husband..

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