17- Thank you

104 13 3

" Eun soo...!!" a boy called her name and wrapped his arms around  her waist making boys surprise.

"mwoya..??who are you??" dong woo asked. " anyeong..i'm sehun... her boyfriend" the boy introduced him self. dongwoo stood up on his seat automatically.

"nehh...!! her stupid boy friend" saerin said. " how wonder dongseng" dong woo said. others was looking at them with their widen eyes and parted mouths. eun soo just looking at her feet. "it's just a 2 weeks...how did u make her like you??" yun san asked. sehun just smiled.

"oppa..you are back..!!" yi sull came and hugged L. " oppa..finally i solved  my matter with her. now she has a boyfriend" she said. " there was no matter to solve  " L pulled her away.

the bell rang to start the school works. students sat on their desks. sehun sat down on eunsoo's seat and eunsoo sat down on saerin's seat. saerin got a seat near by sungkyu.

L Was staring  sehun and Eunsoo secretly..sehun grabbed eunsoo's leg toward his legs. L saw it and he kicked to his desk. both of them startled.

"ohhh gosh...this is too dull" L lifted is hands lazily. "what's wrong with him??" woo hyun said. "mhh...don't know" hoya replied.

after the class, they came to the cafeteria.

"it's your turn" yun san said. "I know .." saerin replied.

" Burger here" yun san said. "nado.." junsu. "nadoo" sungjong.

"i wanna something to drink" sungkyu said. "nadoo" dong woo said.

"coffee here" hoya said.

"ok ok..how about you" for L. "nothing" he looked out.

"you??"to woo hyun. "anything" he replied.

"ok guys..wait.i will  back" sae rin ran to the counter.

" we all are here..but where is eun soo??" hoya sked.

"she maybe holding hands with her stupid boyfriend by this time" junsu laughed.

" soo jealous..i wanna find a girlfriend" dongwoo said. " oppa..how about me??" yun san asked. " not bad dongseng" he winked. "yahh...she already has a boyfriend...stop you're  daydreaming.." sungyeol exclaimed. "yahh...u too,  stop  daydreaming.." yun san kicked him.

L stood up and came out...

"yahhh..where are you going??" hoya exclaimed. but L didn't give him reply.

" gumawoo ajumma..." sae rin said to the servant ajumma. "give me this" woohyun took the tray from her hands. "ohh...dark ghost!!!" she surprised. woohyun gave her a small smile. "i will help you" he said. "ohh..gumawoo!!" she nodded.

sehun and eunsoo Werewalking on the school corridor.

"eunsoo..i need talk with you" sehun said. "mmm...what about??" she asked. sehun grabbed her hand and started to walk some where.

they came to the library.

"why we are here??" eunsoo asked. there is no one in the library ar this time. that's why we are here. he smiled and gave her a hug.

"ahh..really??' eunsoo said. sehun hugged her tightly. "but sehun..can you stop hug me?? it's weird" she said. " no i can't" he replied.

"please sehuniee.." she was trying to pull him away. but sehun held
her tightly.

"sehuniee..please..this is unfair..if someone see us, it will be a big mater.

"no..it can't be..this is intervel time. no one come here. we can enjoy welk" he said. he pulled her away. " don't worry baby. there is nothing to fear" he smiled.

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