<3 Only mine <3

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after a week eunsoo cam back to junsu's home. because her mother is busy with her busyness tours.


"eunsoo ahh...i'm going to go infinite's dorm..do you like to join with me??" junsu asked "now?? hmmmm..ok..give me some seconds to ready" she replied.

how ever they came to the infinite dorm. eun soo knocked to the door. songjong opened the door while shouting junsu's name and hugged her. but unfortunately he has hugged eunsoo instead junsu..

"somgjongniee...it's me..eunsoo...let me go!!" she screamed.

at that time L was there screaming to songjong.

"yaa...reliesed her..do you wanna die??" L screamed and pull eunsoo away.

"gosh...miyahn eunsooahh..i thought it was jus su...realy sorry.." he explained the seen.

"no..it's ok dear! you've done it by a mistake.." she replied.

"what mistake?? how dare you to hug my girl" L yelled at songjong.

"ahh..myungsoo ahh...drop it.. it's just a mistake..how ever it's our jongniee..so no problem here haa??" eunsoo exclaimed while dragging his hand.

"hah..drop it?? never!! songjong is also a boy..in that manner..i never drop it..never.." L yelled over and over..then he left to his room in up stair and closed the door making very big noise to show how much angry he got with songjong and also eunsoo..

"yoon eunsoo..you got a big trouble with him.." songjong said.

"why only me??you also" she stared to him.

"ohh my pity eunsoo..we are leaving now..so you can get a solution with him..ahh..don't forget to close the door after we left" songjong exclaimed while dragging junsu to him and walking out of the dorm.

"whattt??" she screamed but they already left her.

then she she close the door and step to upstair to see myungsoo..but his room door is still closed.

she knocked to the door..

"yaaa myungsoo ahh..open the door..i'm waiting here" she exclaimed. but no answer.

"myungsoo ahh..please..let me come to inside..are you angry with me??? myungsoo ahh..please open the door" she exclaimed again.

finally he opened the door.

"why??" his sound was annoyed. 

"miyahnaeehh..i didn't mean to hurt you by any chance.." eunsoo said sadly.

"do you come inside or may i close the door??" myungsoo's sound was very cruel. he made her afraid. how ever she stepped to inside and myungsoo closed the door after she came. 

"woahh..you have changed you room decorations" she said while looking around the room.

but myungsoo didn't tell anything and he jumped on the bed and started to read a book.

"aa  wae???are you going to ignore me whole the time?? "she asked. 

"don't make noises..can't you see??i'm reading a book" L smirked.

eunsoo stared to him and sat down on a chair near by window. it was a wonderful sunset. she took her ear phone to listen to songs. while she was listening songs she whispered her favorite parts of songs. she sang EXO History. it's her favorite song. she murmured it specially Suho's parts of that song. she was getting a little smile when she sang Suho's part of song. myungsoo has looked at her along from the begging. but unfortunately she didn't see him. myung soo stepped to her and drag her year phone started to listen it. eunsoo afraid of his actions.

Woollim Love High School - Kim Myung Soo - INFINITE (complete)Where stories live. Discover now