19- little brat

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L and eunsoo came to  the empty class room where they stayed last time after that seen.

"why we are here??" eun soo asked while looking around.

"it's time to your tuition" L replied with his cute dimples.

"now??" she aksed.

"nop..after the school" L smiled at her. she smiled back but small smile.

eunsoo  looked around the class room.

"woahh..! it's so nice" she said.

"like it??" L asked.

"yep.." she replied.

"alright..this is our new class room" L said.

L tidied up the room as a class room. that's why he came to school earlier.

"hmm...thank you again..!!" eunsoo said.

"hmm..for what??" L asked.

"for everything" she smiled.

"it's ok...it's my job" L said.

"job??? what??i don't understand." eunsoo asked curiously.

"nothing.." L strock  her hair with a bring smile .

** at class**

"eunsooyaa..." searin ran to her and hugged her.

"you two..what happened around you two??" sungkyu asked.

"who??" L asked carelessly.

" you and her??" sungkyu replied.

"her?? who is that her??" L asked again.

"yahh..kim myung soo..." sungkyu yelled.

"ahhh..wae???wae..wae..wae???" L exclaimed.

" her mean eunsoo" sunkgyu stared at L.

"nothing.." L said.

"nothing...hah..how funny..i saw these days..you are very close with her" sungkyu said.

"yess..we are just closers" L said.

"closers?? what kind of closers??" sungkyu asked.

"friends..friends...you know friends..?? like you and me, hoya and me, sungyeol and woo hyun. understand?? friends means friends..F.....R....I....E....N....D....S....!! understand???" L exclaimed.

"yahh..are you mad?? i'm not a girl like her.. i can't close with you like her..hoya, woohyun and sungyeol we aren't girls..omo..do you feel us like girls?? so scary" sunggyu said and smirked.

"yahh..you bumpkin...when did i mean like that?? yaahhh....are you sitting on you brain??" L exclaimed again...

"yahh..why are you screaming at me??? hmm..i am right..something is happening around you two.." sunggyu said curiously..

"aishhh..really...mind ur own business..dummy.." he yelled.

"hyung...what are you talking about?? she already has a boyfriend..stop this nonsense.." sae rin smacked on sunggyu's head.

"no you are wrong about that" eunsoo added.

"what??" saerin exclaimed.

"i haven't a boyfriend and i never wanna boy again.." she said.

myungsoo glanced at her.

"yahh..what about sehun?? "yunsan asked.

"it's all over.." eunsoo replied.

"why??" yun san asked again.

"mhhh..please never ask me again about him" eunsoo said.

"yayahhhh..tell us it..i'm so excited about something.." sunggyu interfered to the seen.

"yahh..kim sunggyu..she said never ask it again...don't you understand???" L yelled at sunggyu..

"hahhh...what's your problem?? i asked it from her, not  from you" sunggyu exclaimed.

"you don't need to know it" L replied.

"aishh..this little brat" sunggyu sent him a deaf glare.

"then you..you..do you know the reason?" sunggyu asked again.

"aaahhh you dummy..!! i told you once" L screamed.

"yaa kim myung soo..what kind of words are you throwing  at him?? he is your hyung..not your little brother" hoya yelled.

"tell him to stop this..he is the one who started this..why are you yelling at only me??" L exclaimed.

someone smacked on  his head

"awchh" L shutout.

"yahh..you little brat..apologize him" it's dongwoo..

"he's right you can't call him like that??"

"ahh mwoya ...why it's always me??" L asked with a little cry.

"do you know apologize??" dongwoo asked.

" A.........P........O.......L.......O......G........I......Z........E.........!!!! apologize "

woo hyun teased at L..

"yahh..." L screamed.

"revenge vs revenge...remember that...S.....O.....M.....E....T...H...I....N...G...." woo hyun winked at L.

"ok...sorry.. happy now??" L said carelessly.

"hah...what kind of apologize you did right now??" sunggyu smirked.

"wae??? do you need to kneel down me??" L asked.

"sure.." sunggyu replied..

hoya, woohyun and others chuckled. because L got this all seriously.

"he is the only bumpkin in here.." yunsan was whispered at eunsoo..

"agree.!!" she replied.

"class..sit down..lets start today's class.." the teacher attened to the class..all ao students sat down their seats.

all ao students sat down their seats

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