TT_TT The Last breath TT_TT

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they came to upstairs. myungsoo still hold her tightly. 

"yeahh!! leave my hand!!" eunsoo whispered.

but myungsoo kept quiet. 

after that they came to big room. myungsoo pull her in side and close the door. 

"yeahh!!" eunsoo yelled.

"what the heck is this??" myungsoo exclaimed.

" what??" eunsoo asked.

"is this the reason why did your want to break up with me??" myungsoo asked.

"no..not actually..." she replied.

"don't lie jagiyaa....i know all of your ins and don't try to make me a fool" myungsoo was half yelled.

"hah,,actually i don't need to explain you any more, unless you believe me or not..that's the truth...i'm sick of you..hoya is the only one whom i please understand it kim myungsoo" eunsoo pulled his hand away.

but myungsoo hold her shoulders was bring eunsoo pain. 

"'s painful....leave me..." she had striven. but myungsoo is definitely stronger than her. she had nothing to do. 

"no....i can see your always avoid my eyes when you are trying to lie're ling to me jagiyaa....." he shook her shoulders. tears were falling down on his eyes.

"no i don't....." eunsoo successfully yelled to him.

"ok...then....." myungsoo stepped to the table and took a blade. he got it to near his wist.

"yahhh..what are you doing now??" eunsoo frightened. 

"now...this will be the last time i ask you that....tell me the you still love me or not??" he asked. 

"Kim myungsoo..stop it.....don't be childish!! " eunsoo was shivering..

"tell me the truth....."he exclaimed and put the blade on his wist.

"yaahhh..i told you...put it away....give it to me..." eunsoo tried to snatch the blade..but he didn't let her to come close to him even a step.

"tell me the truth..i can leave my last breath in your hands.." he said. 

"yes...i love you...i love you ..i love you..i only love please stop this..put the blade away..." she screamed while crying.....

but she didn't do it and eunsoo suddenly grabbed it and throw it away....

"so..why?? why did you lied me...why didn't you tell me this situation before?? " myungsoo asked.

"my mother is going to marry your father and we are going to be siblings.....we can spend our lives happily....." eunsoo said.

"whay??" myungsoo whispered.

"if i said you like that, what would you do?? you would meet you father and tell everything about you and i right?" she asked.

"'s the truth....we are not late yet...lets go and tell them...."he grabbed her hand.

" look..this is the reason why i lied you....i don't want tell anything about us..even a word" she grabbed her hand back.

"what?? but why?? you said me that you love me......" myungsoo asked.

"yes i told mother is a very kind person..she loves me a lot..she lived very happily. but after my father's all was over..." she said.

"so..what?? what did you mean by it?" he asked......

"do you know?? after my mother met your father..she lives very happily.. she can spend her life happily. i don't want to ruin her happiness...." she said.

"is that mean do you like to this marriage?" he asked .

"yes i do?" she replied.

"yaa...yoon eunsoo...are you crazy?? so what will happen to us...what happen to me?? answer me....." he put some steps close to her.

"i'm sorry...but i can't stop this..i love my mother very much..i don't want to ruin her happiness.. i wand to see her smile back....really sorry myungsoo ahh.

"don't you love me......don't you want told me that you love me...please stop this stupid things.....don't make me crazy...i'm begging you jagiyahh" he shook her shoulders again and and tears were running down on his face.

"i'm sorry oppa..but i love you....l will love you as my also can love me treat me in that way..myungsoo oppa..' she said.

"no you can't.....never love your brother...never call me brother....i'm not going to treat you as my sister...." he suddenly kissed her.

but eunsoo pulled him and slapped him. myungsoo smiled miserably.

" i knew you would do it....look...look your self is your emotions now...your face..your eyes shows your feelings of me...look your face on can take an idea about what you feel about me your self..." he smiled again. 

eunsoo frightened...because she already knows she also can't treat him as her brother. she loves him so much..but loves her mother also...she feels that she going to die...she is helpless now...

"tell me now......lets go and tell them that we have an afire and you loveme and i also love you...jagiya....." he grabbed her from her wist..but eunsoo still frozen. 

after a few minutes...she arose her voice..............

"myungsoo ahh....!!" ................................................


lets see what eunsoo will say.....on next chapter..

i think this is very boring chapter,,i'm really sorry about that..this story will be finish soon around 2 or 3 chapters....thank you readers!! bye bye!! have a nice day!!

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