27-Angry yunsan

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**at junsu's house**

"Yaaa..lee sungyeol" yunsan was screaming over and over saying  sungyeol's name in asleep.

"yunsan ahh... yunsan ahh..wake up" eunsoo shacked her. but she still screaming and crying. 

"yaaa,,choi yunsan" eunsoo  threw  some water on her face. after that yun san suddenly woke up and she also looks like so afraid on her expressions. 

"what happened my dear??" eunsoo asked while wiping water. 

"nothing. it's a nightmare " yunsan replied. 

"what about?? you screamed  sungyeol's name over and over" eunsoo asked.

"me?? no no..i think you heard it wrong!! just ignore it. we have to go to school" yunsan replied. 

"ok!!  but if you're fine now" eunsoo tough her head.

"yeahh!! i'm ok...it doesn't matter. today is our last day school in this year" yun san said,

"yees..Christmas Christmas..." eunsoo exclaimed.


***At school***

Eunsoo, yunsan and junsu were walking together on the school corridor. they met myungsoo in front the corridor. 

"it's myungsoo" junsu exclaimed. 

"anyeong!!" he greeted at them. 

"nehh! anyasehyoo!!" junsu replied.

"so, what's the reason??" yunsan asked while binding her hands together.

"sorry??" myungsoo asked.

"aahhh. no! i meant you never come to school earlier if you haven't any reason" yunsan teased at him.

"couldn't you understand?? she made you embrace" eunsoo added.

"hah!!  no matter. however can i take her for novement??" myungsoo asked.

"ohhhhhhhh!! it's again, i'm fed up with your boring words, you asked me it over and over for this past 4 months" yunsan yelled at him.

"what's wrong with this?? you know, she is my girlfriend"  myungsoo frowned.

"what a petty girl, you may come to know after you find a boyfriend" junsu said.

"what about??" yunsan exclaimed.

"something!!" junsu pricked her.

"i'm really sorry for ruin your hopes, but stop daydreams. because i'm not a kind of girl like you two" yunsan annoyed at her.

"fine fine!! lets see what will happen in the future, this is a small world my dear" junsu laughed at her.

"aahhaaaa!! that's the point" myungsoo exclaimed.

"yaaah, stop bullshitting, tell something make sense" yunsan glanced at him.

"ok baby, i'm leaving" L grabbed eunsoo's hand and walk out


[ Edited ]

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